chapter 27- Damn

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so we all agreed to have zayn's party on Saturday-well everyone except liam. louis insisted on making a guest list which i don't see the reason for, i mean why does it matter? harry seemed pretty into the idea though- mainly because of lou. i mainly just sat and listened. louis was pretty much in charge all i had to do was nod.

harry and lou were on decorations. niall was getting the beer and my job was to bring zayn. 

it seems pretty simple but zayn has been wanting to hang out a lot more and i still haven't gotten his birthday present. i remember him wanting to read TFIOS- which is weird because he still hasn't read it. I've been trying to get one for him but its almost impossible. or maybe I'm just not trying hard enough.

all this party stuff is making me exhausted. 

"hey liam you alright?" zayn asks as we walk down the street. he had texted me about hanging out so, here we are. 

"yeah just" i paused letting out a long breath "tired i guess" i say nonchalantly. I've been so exhausted lately trying to come up with way to make dad not come in my room. obviously they dont work because it happens either way... almost every night. I'm honestly sick of it but I'm such a coward i literally want to punch myself in the face. 

"hello liam" I'm brought out of my thoughts by zayns snapping fingers in my face. 

"sorry just .. sort of lost in thought" i shrug and continue walking.

"yeah" he laughs a little, the beautiful sound literally making me melt inside "you do that a lot lately" he smiles. and that smile almost makes liam want to explode because he feels like that smile is special. like its only meant for liam to see. like its their own little secret and no one else needs to know. 

I'm screwed

"why?" he looks at me confused and i shake those thoughts away and give him a curious look.


"you said your screwed" he raises an eyebrow. oh fuck i close my eyes breathing deeply because oh my god really? im gonna seriously die.

"sorry didn't mean to say that out loud" i turn my head a little hoping he doesn't catch the blush on my cheeks. 

"aw your blushing leeyum" he pinches my cheeks and i swear I'm about to faint because the way he just said my name and hes touching my face. it only makes me blush more because were still now and his face is so close as he gushes- hands still touching my face - about me blushing. his face is so close i could just lean in a little and i would be kissing him. 

"oh god how embarrassing" i groan once he lets go of my face. we're still unmoving however. 

"really though i mean .. your kinda cute when you blush" he says gently nudging me with his arm. holy fuck did he just... alright thats it I'm definitely going to have this permanent pink on my face because that was just... I'm not sure. have i stopped breathing yet? is this it? am i dying slowly? 

"oh uh th-thanks z" i bit my bottom lip and his eyes dart down to look at it. oh god what do i do?! i release it slowly and lick my lips watching him as his eyes follow my tongue carefully.

"yeah" he says slowly leaning in and holy shit is this really happening? i mean hes right there and getting closer and am i sweating? what if i suck? what if someone sees? what if, what if, what if !

"um" he turns his head and clears his throat a little "we-we should probably uh go now" and then he starts walking.

i should've leaned in



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