Chapter 33- call

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And we're back!

(sorry for mistakes)


it was hard.

it was definitely hard.

being alone and depressed feeling like absolute shit.. oh yeah, definitely hard.

i didn't even know where i was. well i never do but this time I'm pretty sure i really was lost. its dark and wet. probably from the rain that i didn't notice. I'm soaking wet and my shoes are squeaking. i can hear my teeth chattering and my clothes are clinging to my skin.

im pretty much frozen and lost.

it looks somewhat familiar but i dont really go out much and if i do i never pay attention. im useless. this is useless. why did i even leave?

i turn the corner and see a gas station. i know it. its familiar and i sigh in relief. i look around and try to remember which way to go. theres a pharmacy across the street so i know to turn left.

as i pass by i see a group of guys, men. they're standing at the corner of my street. smoking and laughing. they're looking at me now. one of them nods towards me but i just keep moving. quicker this time.

i get home and thankfully those guys didnt follow me.

the doors unlocked but moms car isnt in the driveway. i try to shut the door as quietly as possible but then there's footsteps. then the light is on. and then hes standing a few feet away.

hes swaying slightly which means hes either drunk or tired. im guessing its the first one.

for a minute we just stare at each other. its scary. he has that glint in his eye and i dont like it. not one bit.

"where the hell have you been?" he stumbles towards me a little. he stops halfway. im shaking more than i was before now.

i gulp loudly "uh i-i went o-out."

he chuckles and walks a little closer. we're merely feet apart now and my breathing has quickened drastically. somethings not right.

"really now" he takes another step. hes directly in front of me now. he reaches out and cups my cheek roughly. his eyes are slowly scanning every inch of my body. hes smirking and i make a move to run but he grabs my throat and pushes me into the door.

"p-please no-no" usually i dont say anything but right now i cant breathe and im panicking.

"shut up" he whispers in my ear, his hand still wrapped around my neck. i cant breathe. thats all i can think. i need air i cant.. i cant

and then i push him. he stumbles back and looks at me. hes angry but i needed air so im left panting and trying to calm down. only i cant because then he punches me in the face.

"god your such a piece of shit liam" he snarls shoving me on the floor. his foot collides with my stomach.

"st-stop please" i beg and beg but he wont and im scared... im scared for my life right now. this cant be happening. hes been gone and-and its happening again only its worse and he wont stop.

"STOP" i scream and he does for a moment. hes scared. maybe he thinks he'll get caught. good.

"shut the fuck up" he grabs me by the hair, yanks me up on my feet. it hurts. everything hurts.

he pushes me into the bedroom but he leaves the door open.

"no no no please" i scramble off of the bed and onto the other side of the room. he only grabs my hair and smashes my face into the wall. everythings spinning and i can feel the blood. its-its everywhere now.

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