Panic and Hope - after "Released and Fleeing"

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~~ beginning of happy ending ~~

Time slowed as Rey's breath caught in her throat. A yellow light erupted from the right side of Kylo's abdomen, causing him to gasp. Hux withdrew the blade. Kylo stumbled, revealing Hux's sly grin, fire in his eyes. His knees weak and shaking, Kylo grasped his side, letting his lightsaber clatter to the ground. Blood was beginning to seep through his fingers.

"KYLO!" Rey screamed. He had never heard her speak with so much passion. He lost balance, falling into Rey, who caught him by the arms. She led him onto the floor, where she knelt by him.

"Kylo...please...hold on, Kylo!" Rey pleaded with a sob, holding onto his red-stained hand. Kylo was staring up at her, his lips slightly parted. Tears began to slide down her face as she looked into his eyes, the normal fiery warmth replaced by glazed-over snow. He blinked at her, then looked up past her, his eyes widening. Rey looked up. Hux was staring down at her with a gaze of iron, one of the guard's staves by his side. Rey burned with hatred and fury.

This man hurt Ben Solo.

Rey stood up, clenching her fists, eyes blurred with tears. The Resistance fighters had defeated the stormtroopers, and were now on guard for more. Rey saw something glimmer on the ground a few feet away. She held out her hand, her lightsaber flying into it. As soon as it reached her hand she ignited the twin blades. Time couldn't catch up to her as the flung her blades at Hux, who was barely able to keep up. He was slow. Barely trained at all. Rey continued to pummel Hux with her saber, his arms shaking from trying to absorb her blows. Hux began to strike at Rey's side, but Rey swung her lightsaber up, cleaving the staff in two. Hux fell backward onto the ground. Rey stood over him, pointing her saber at Hux.

"How dare you? HOW DARE YOU!?" She bellowed at him. Hux just stared back, shaking his head, eyes wide and petrified.

Rey heard a roar, then a loud bang! She saw a bright flash and smoke rising and Chewbacca and Finn ran inside. They first spotted Rey and Hux, his arms raised in protest. Then they saw Kylo, spiderwebs of blood surrounding him. Chewie let out a small whimper. He turned his furry head back towards Hux. He roared and raised his bowcaster, and fired at Hux. Hux grunted and curled up.

"The First Order will never win," Rey spat. She raised her saber and plunged the glowing blade into Hux's chest. He went limp, his eyes immediately losing their raging fire. She pulled out the blade and turned it off with a whoosh. Kylo broke into a fit of coughing behind her.


She spun back around.

"Kylo!" she ran to his side, dropping her lightsaber onto the tiled floor. She sat down on her knees beside him and reached for his head, running her fingers through his hair, now matted with blood.

"Shhh, it's okay, we'll take you'll be fine, I..."

Kylo cut her off. "Rey...please, It'll..."

He started coughing again. Blood...Kylo's blood...was pooling around them.

The wound was so deep...

"Rey..." Kylo breathed. He reached a hand up to her, and she bent forward to grab it. His ruby-stained fingers were like ice. The scavenger watched him, fear in her eyes.

"It'll be alright, Rey, I...I can feel it."

"Ben..." she mouthed, feeling his name on her tongue. The name was so much more smooth than his adopted one.

Rey met his eyes with a faint and reassuring smile. His eyes returned to her a look of hope.

She turned to Chewbacca, who was watching them anxiously. She waved for him to come, and he slung his bowcaster onto his back. When the lumbering alien reached the couple, Rey stood to get out of his way, letting Ben's hand drop back to the floor.

With a gentleness Rey had never before seen from the Wookie, Chewie lifted Ben from the ground and held him in his arms, his dark robes trailing below him. Ben grunted in pain, sending daggers through Rey's heart. Rey could barely stand, her arms and legs stiff and sore. As they began to leave, Rey made sure to retrieve both her and Kylo's lightsabers, which lay abandoned. She clipped hers back on her belt and pushed her messy hair behind her ears. The remaining Resistance fighters approached the scene, and the group made their way through the hall towards the destroyed doors of the hanger, stepping over the bodies of fallen stormtroopers. When they reached the hangar, they were greeted by Finn, the Millennium Falcon waiting for them.

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