best friend my ass

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Ross's pov:

I woke up with a horrible hangover.

It was exactly 12 pm.

Well, at least it's earlier that 3 pm so that's progress.

I sigh looking at myself in the mirror. Messy hair, dead look.

I washed my face thinking I have to bleach these hair sometime close. They're starting to go a little brown.

I shrug hopping in the shower.

So much happened last night I can't remember shut. How did I even end up in my room, in bed?

I remember drinking a couple more shots until I found a brunette I liked. I can't remember if I sleept with her in the rooms of the bar though.

Last thing I remember is Laura pulling Raini and Rydel to the dance floor. Her little dress still getting me frusterited. The fact that the music was sexual as hell didn't help, and she moved her hips in a way- ah I don't want to remember. It comes with frustration.

Frustration I don't know if i realised in the other brunette or not. I'll ask around I guess.

I came out of the shower, getting dressed quickly and drying my hair. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through social a little bit.

Someone had cought pictures of me and the rest of R5 with Ry walking in the club and pictures of the girls doing the same.

Rydel had posted her usual fair share of videos and pictures and Laura had posted one in the red dress, one with the girls and a story on instagram when they were dancing.

Fuck it still makes me hot.

I liked the picture of her in the red dress ,chuckling and knowing that people would freak out and continued scrolling on Twitter.

I decided to tweet.

My mind's a total blank but I just can't forget about you.

I chuchkle to myself again. Let them figure it out.

Turning off my phone I walked out nocking on Calum's door.

No one opened so I assumed he wasn't there. I shrugged and nocked on Raini's.


Who em I kidding. It's 1 am they've probably been awake for hours now.

With my head still pounding I phoned my mom. She picked up on the first ring.

"Hey Ross"

"Hi mom. I just wake up.Where are you guys?"

"We're all hanging out in Laura's room. I'll order your break fast"

I sigh "Thanks mom"

"You're welcome baby"

And with that I turned off my phone.

If they were in Laura's room why em I going down the elevator?

The elevator doors opened and I groaned. I really should of checked Laura's room before deciding to go down.

I sigh coming out of the elevator and looking around like an idiot.

My eyes caught the hot chocolate place and I smiled. Maybe I should get something for everyone.

I called mom again and she told me everyone had had their coffees, teas or hot chocolate except Laura who had woken up late like me and Rydel who just wanted a hot chocolate after the coffee in the morning.

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