a little miracle

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Ross' pov:

"Hey beautiful" I smirked looking at my girlfriend who came home from the classes she was taking about baby birth with other pregnant woman. I'd attended a few myself at it was necessary and I'd say they were very informative, but also boring as fuck.

We'd also done that dinner Ellen was talking about and we freaked out about the cooking part of it. Laura cookz very well and I well..  cook semi-well, I could say, so we mashed some things up together. They didn't complain about the food though, which was good.

The reason as to why we were freaking our was because we had so much to do and the time was ticking. At the end I think it went well. My family checked out the house as well and liked it. There wasn't much to say about it.

Laura walked into the room and gave me a look "What's up with you?"

"What do you mean?" I have all the time in the world for this conversation baby.

"You and your stupid beautiful smile. What's that about?" she sat down and turned to me. I turned to her and put a few strings of hair behind her ear.

"Nothing. I was just thinking about how in no more than one month we'll have a little baby in the house"

Her face turned pale "Wait a second now I'm kind of scared"

"Why?" I chuckled.

"Of being a bad parent Ross! I don't want that. Plus mom said, that from experience, we should just enjoy this last month we have before our house is filled with cries 24/7 and we'll just be sleepless and tired all the time and how I can't leave the baby's side for one second, like we'll basically need to have our eyes open for him like all the time, I mean how well we work or even leave the house Ross I'm s-"

When I decided I had enough of her blabbing mouth I smacked a kiss on it and she responded. After a few seconds of us just making out she pulled away. Her cheeks flushed "Sorry"

"Don't be sorry for being cute" I kissed the top of her nose and she giggled.

"I know that you're freaked out right now and I am too, but we do have our parents to guide us into this mess and I thinking looking after him might be tiring but then again I'd say I'd be worth it in some kind of way, like if he smiled or giggled. Sure we'll be like.. dead these other months but we'll both get the hang of it so stop freaking out because you're going to make the hottest and best mommy ever" I leaned into her and kissed her cheek. She looked up at me lovingly and I almost lost my breath.

"Thank you Ross. You always know what to say to make me feel better. You'll be the best daddy ever too, and I love you a lot" she giggled brushing her nose with mine while playing with my hair.

I laughed at her cuddling mood.

"Let's go put together the nursery. It's been hanging out like that for a while"

"Fine" she sighted taking my hand as we headed into the nursery to start fixing it.

We already got all the furniture and now I just had to put it together while Laura folded the clothes into drawers. She wasn't aloud to carry heavy weights so I couldn't risk on her helping me with the bed.

"I'm so useless" she groaned folding the clothes.

"You're not useless, you're doing something" I chuckled.

"You don't get it! I feel bad that I always get the easy work while you do the hard stuff. I want to help you-"

"Honey you're already doing so much literally keeping a human being in your stomach.I think I can handle the rest" I interrupted.

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