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Well this story doesn't really have a great beginning but all I can see right now is blood.

The sands have been stained with blood both red and blue (yes I mean blue blood).
This war between the the humans and the orthorox have lasted for over a decade and unfortunately for me i got caught up in this mess.  
  My name is Elizah Yakari ,and am in the 104th regiment of Commander Zeus -thats what we call him, he literally has a lightning bolt scar on his right eye.
He also has the saddest backstory I have ever heard.
To be honest that's what I was been told though, never heard from him because he never says anything to us.
Well he talks sometimes only when he's out to punish one of his comrades...but to be honest you do not want to be punished by commander zeus.
I rather die by the stampede of a thousand running horses than suffer a minute torture by the hands of commander zeus.
Back to the story at hand.... Yeah... I talked about a war right.
One week after I was been initiated into the army, king arhmah  sent the 56th regiment to capture a certain orthorox city.
His son-in-law ,prince ormah pleaded he should be allowed to go along with the troops ,although the king revoked his request ,he kept pleading until the king had no choice but to let him go.
Prince ormah was married to the third daughter of the king, and she was the king's favorite ,as she was the last child of the king.
     On the way to the village the commander of the regiment, oipalitis, was told by the king not to spare a living soul in the village and never to allow prince ormah to engage in combat. But as the story would go, prince ormah strictly commanded oipalitis to stay behind him as he has more royalty than him, commander oipalitis had no choice but to adhere to his commands.
At the entrance to the village, the whole place looked normal, the skull decorations of the orthorox, the animal skin tents, hooviers dens were all in place - hooviers are the horses of the orthorox , now commander oipalitis was being suspicious about this because the report that he was given was a very different scenario.
Reports said that a great calamity had befallen the village and the men of the village were weak of hunger, so that had seemed like an easy task for the 56th regiment.
But this was different, everything was fine, it had even looked like they had a feast just recently, one thing struck oipalitis' mind.
  A set up.
Back at the castle, king armah was celebrating his third victory in row for himself. This year had been really good for king armah, related to that of last year when he lost eighty thousand men in just three battles.
One of those casualties was my brother, omakari, miss him every day of my fucked up life.
"Drink to the fullest my humble subjects, drink till you call your wife a whore, drink, drink, drink". Said king armah, moments before a mortally wounded soldier entered the ball room gasping for his own life, the horror of this sight sent most of the guests on their hills.
Before the king was a man he greatly respected, a man of great strength, though now a shell of his former self. His left hand had been chopped off, his left eye socket had a missing piece, behold it was commander oipalitis.
"what is the meaning of this? ".cried an angry king at the injured oipalitis.
"Death.... Ha ha ha.... Blood..... Lies...
All was red... Ormah... Orma... h... "
"What do you mean...
Where is ormah... Speak now...
Or die... "the king cried again.
Oipalitis looked at the king with fear , pain and sorrow in his eyes, he was going to die any way.
The village was quiet, ormah had told the troops to step back .
Oipalitis had heard something earlier.
There they were again, but this time on a huge figure.
"you fools, you fell for that" a voice came out of the huge figure.
It's eyes were opened... The legendary green eye of the orthorox army, the commander of death itself, the orchestra of every thing evil.
"what, what is this? " oipalitis wondered.
Prince ormah was already regretting his pleading Just days ago.
"50,000 men, hmm, that would take me just five hours, who is your commander? " he asked as he pulled out his blood stained axe.
"Men!!!,he is just one man, charge at him with all you have!!! " prince ormah charged the soldiers.   
Heads flew out of bodies, lifes were taken like taking candy from children.
More heads...
Even more heads were gone.
Oipalitis was amazed at how he passed through his men like nothing, well all thanks to this huge figure, his mean ten meter axe that cover a larger area of the battle field. It was impossible to touch him.
In less than two hours, the standing army of 50,000 men were lying either headless  or lifeless.
All that was left of the 56th regiment was commander oipalitis and prince ormah.
"well,that took a lot lesser time than expected, hmm, ormah, the king's favorite son-in-law "
He said as he cleaned out the blood off his axe.
"hmm, your kill will make a great name for myself "
Beads of sweat dropped from oipalitis' head, he was all alone, no back up, no support.
Just him and the spoilt brat who bore name of prince.
Oipalitis knew if he didn't die on the battlefield and should the prince die in his place, his punishment would be worse than 💀 death.
He charged towards him with all his strength but orkagor  replied quite untroubled and deflected his attack with ease.
Oipalitis gave another dangerous swoop at his head but it was dodged easily once again.
"even a commander fights like a child, ha, how weak are the humans"
Prince ormah was fed up with just watching so he picked a shield and gestured his sword at orkagor.
"Stop" cried oipalitis.
"you won't last an eye blink against him, you are too weak, run!!! "
But ormah wouldn't adhere to his warnings.
Ormah was gifted with great intellect and great at war strategies so he knew the only way to bring orkagor down was to blind him.
It was quite hot that afternoon, so ormah set the silver shield at a particular angle at which made the rays of the sun intense for orkagor.
"ahh, you pest!!! " cried orkagor.
Prince ormah quickly galloped with his horse as orkagor was left dazed.
He cut a little out of his left cheek.
Blood travelled to orkagor's mouth , as he tasted his blue blood.
"you cunning brat, you did better than this waste of a commander, you actually made a cut on my flesh ".
It was quite scary as his expression changed in a sec.
"You worthless human, you who have no value of on this earth, but to sleep with countless women, I would add your skull to my collection !!!!". Orkagor cried out  terrifyingly.
I haven't laid emphasis on orkagor's appearance.
Orkagor is about eight feet tall, has a body size like that of an entire horse, his blue skin has been tainted with the blood of many, he flaunted a really stupid looking Mohawk, and like every bad guy, has the dirtiest set of teeth ever.
He trades the normal cultural orthorox war attire, but should you see his hoovier, it is a monster to the human definition.

Prince ormah looked scared as fuck. He clenched to his shield as though it could take him home,  oipalitis was already weak and demoralised on the floor of the battlefield.
Orkagor reached for ormah.
In an instant oipalitis raised him self from the ground to attack him with his last strength.
Oipalitis saw his hand come off his body.
He yelled.
Ormah took off.
"Even if you run to the ends of the earth , I would still kill you".
Tears flew past ormah as he rode past the trees.
Orkagor took a spear of the ground, one that belonged to the many he had killed that day.
He took the most terrifying throw ever seen.
As the spear tore through ormah's chest, he knew and understood what it meant to be in a war.
He pictured his wife's face as his last taught.
How would she cope without him, no he can't  die.
It's a dream, an illusion.
But he kept bleeding.
He dropped down.
Oipalitis knew he was in for it.
"you would be a living reminder of what happened here today, I won't let you kill yourself". Orkagor said.
He scooped him and placed him on his hoovier.
And he took off.
Straight to the human fortress.
The guards at the gate heard a thud at the gate.
"go check it out " the senior guard said to the other.
The junior guard was left grieved with a great horror in his eyes.
"what is it ,son?" asked the senior guard.
"Oipalitis... Sir it's commander oipalitis..
We need medical help sir...
Wait, where is prince ormah?". Yelled the guard.
The two guards took him from the pool of blood his body was placed on and headed to the palace.
The king was so mad at everyone and everything as all he could think of was how he could punish oipalitis for his failure.
And the death of his son-in-law.
He ordered the whole feast to be cancelled and everyone to go home.
All except oipalitis.
"You failed me, your king, by letting my son-in-law die on the battlefield, and you, a worthless pile of flesh, returned home, who have lots of guts" the king said as he drew his sword.
"Orkagor was too powerful for us, I tried to protect the prince, but...but...i don't want to remember it".
The king gave out a great laughter, one mixed with pain and anger.
"when you die, I would put a bounty on his head, a bounty of eight thousand pieces of gold, but you won't be alive to see anyone reap it, will you".
He raised his sword high and then down.
Oipalitis' head rolled.
Well that's how over a hundred million soldiers are all headed for the kill.
But am in this for a more different reason.
But that's for later.

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