CHAPTER 8- The inauguration

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" so ñatasha tell me about yourself, do you have a family , why did you join the army ?. You know stuffs like that". I said before stuffing bread into my mouth.

The bread was really stale.
But I had to eat.

"Well I lost my mom to a plague that affected my hometown when I was little. My dad died four years later in a battle between the Orthorox and I was left alone as the only child". She said with cracks in her voice.

"Ooh, I'm really sorry I asked though. Didn't know it was that painful".

"No problem, I'm actually glad I shared that with you".

She gave a smile as she finished talking. My God. She is a damsel.
Her eyes sparkled as the flames rose from the fire place. It shone like the stars. It was almost as if her eyes were the resting place for the stars who cross our sky at night.

"So what about you huh, you gat any one at home you can call family?". She asked.

I took a breath before responding.

"Well am just like you, I'm all alone in this cold world. I lost my father to war... ehm ... I never met my mom and my senior brother died few years ago.
So that's it".

All of a sudden the smile in her face vanished. She looked me straight in the eye like wanted to say something but couldn't .

"You know i wonder how we ever get over this kind of things , i mean when i lost my senior brother it was almost like it was the end of the line for me. Being the last carrier of the Elizah name and bloodline is just crazy and any small error from my path means my clan is extinct.
Tell me what moves us to do more even when we have lost everything?".

"I guess it's for the pride of our fatherland and it's strength is portrayed through the strength of its army and being in the army means you are automatically part of the strength of your race. That's why when you enter the battle field the only thought in your mind is that of your country and not yours".She finally opened up.

" The extent at which people die because of the pride of his fatherland is ridiculous , you know that right. Anyone would fight to the death once those words are mentioned".

The flames rose again.

Suddenly I woke up.
I looked round and it occurred to me immediately.
I wasn't dead.

"How do you feel , Elizah... Uhm...Elizah yakari, do you feel any pain?". A man in white overalls asked while looking at the slate in his hands.

I was in a hospital.
It hit me.

"Please doc ,uhm, have you seen any of my comrades specifically a blonde female?".
He took a deep breath.

"Look son ,you and three others from the mission came back from it alive . The mission was a success though ,luckily the hostages returned safely".

Terror was all I felt at the moment.

"Sir, who were the other three survivors aside me?". Tears had already started gathering.

"Well they are lieutenant drax belloti , he had a slight head injury, captain lozur markinworth he had his hand chopped off and finally cadet Jonas mike the lad who rode the cart that contained the hostages.
Then we have you, yakari".

He rested his hand on my shoulder.
Tears started rolling from my eyes .
"Look son I don't know what you faced out there but you have to let it pass and move on for your own good".
He then took his leave.

"For my good?".
I can't imagine how i will get over this.
I stood up from my bed and went to have a change of clothes at the counter .
Immediately I saw a soldier rush in and ordered for me to come with him.

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