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Oviera's POV;

These six months after that battle has been hell.
The nation has tried to get back on its feet since then. Many of our young men were lost due to the explosion the kragkon had caused. So rebuilding the army had been extremely difficult due to the age limit that had been placed on recruitment. I had to do something about it or else we would not be prepared for the humans' next attack. I headed for the military headquarters.

"Welcome kiesher oviera, how can we help your." The chief kiesher on seat said to me as he he gestured that I should take a seat.

"Sir, you need to lower the age grade placed on recruitment of cadets". I said not looking at his face. He was a chief kiesher, and the only people higher than him are the Royal family, it would be disrespect to look at his face while one spoke.
He gave a light chuckle. Then took out a stamp and drove it into a scroll and passed it to me.

"Take this to the palace, the king will take care of you". He gave a notorious smirk as I stood and headed to the door.

Feeling satisfied I headed for my tent. The king will take care of you. Those words kept resonating in my head then out of the corner of my eye I saw a suspiciously masked man meters behind me and then two more ahead.


Someone wanted to kill me. Who could that be, and then I recognized the batch on their jackets. They were members of a secret organization under the king that took out wanted criminals that the regular soldiers can't. Why are the after me?. I thought as I walked towards the two in front.
Taking one by the arm, I ran a kriesmegger through his ribs and flung his bleeding to the other.
I began to run and as I noticed they began to increase in number, from two to twenty.

I kept running till I reached a dead end and was soon surrounded. It all led to me fighting back.
My eyes began to glow blue and the sword appeared in my hand. Ever since that battle with the fire breather, I had not been able to use my powers to the maximum and only had combat time of five minutes.

They attacked. I rendered each one that approached me lifeless but they did not stop keep coming. Tearing out the limb of one of then, I began to feel my powers drain. It was almost time. I had to end this now, directing all my strength to my left hand it began to glow bright blue.

"Get back now". One of them said as he began to dash away but it was useless as I planted my hand into the ground causing an explosion around me, killing everyone.

That should do it. Dusting the mud out of my jacket I picked my parcel.

I could see an arrow right in my right arm. Looking through the area I began to see more of them approaching, my powers gone and an arm down. This is looking bad.
Another arrow went through my left leg sending me to the ground. There supposed leader then came over and pulled my hair until I could see his face. His hot breath could be felt miles away but being this close felt like it would burn my skin.

"I will make sure the king makes you pay for the lives you have wasted today". He dragged my body along with him as he signalled his men to move out.

"This would make a fine price for me, don't you thi-". I watched as he dropped dead beside me with an arrow inside his skull.
They was confusion but I could not see the action clearly as I began to lose consciousness, my healing ability wasn't active at the moment.

Soon the men who were after all escaped leaving me alone,lying on the cold ground.

"Pardon me Queen oveira". I didn't believe what I just heard but it seemed like someone regards me as royalty.
I felt his hand wrap my waist and pull me to his side, he flashed a smile at me. Damn he was handsome, really handsome.
He took me in his arm like a bride and signalled his men to come out from their hiding place and out here before him.
His dirt brown hair swept down to the back of head, his broad chest and built stature was intimidating. His eyes were brown and absorbed all life around as it looked beautiful.

"Soldiers of the black watchmen, bow to your new queen, Queen oveira!!!".

"All hail the true Majesty, Queen oveira". They said raising there swords and axes into the air.

I was lost. I wasn't even royalty, I wasn't of royal blood. Why would this men risk there lives for me.

"I'm friggo, and I'm the captain of the black watchmen. We have chosen to serve you as its become clear to us that this current government can't give us victory over the humans once and for all", taking a break he took a look at his men who seemed to be agreeing with him,"But with your great ability you can lead the orthorox to victory and crush the humans for ever".

"But... How do you plan to achieve this".

"We already have".


"Follow me to the court house".
In minutes we were in the court house. What a sight it was. Heads could be seem all over, pools of blood began to stream its way to the streets.

My bones and flesh began to stitch back together, I got myself once again,
Inside was way worse,all the chief kieshers had been killed and the king was barely alive. My eyes caught the chief kiesher who gave me the scroll, his brain had been bashed out of his skull.
Friggo taking the crown from king bugkin's head and placing it on my cried out.

"All hail to the true ruler of the Orthorox, Queen oviera Davidson".

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