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Yakari's POV;

The sun was harsh on my eyes this morning, damn harsh.
I still didn't want to open them, I wanted to sleep just a little longer.
But the sun still wouldn't quit it. Fuck you sun, guess I should let you win this one. Letting out a yawn, I opened my eyes.

"Where am I?." I sounded dizzy, I couldn't make out where I was. It was a lot different from my quarters in the barracks. The ceiling was well decorated with floral designs and shone white like an early morning cloud unlike the moss infested one in my room, the bed I laid on was soft and had this beautiful cotton smell about it. Where was this heaven I wondered.
Soon the door opened and two people walked in, they stopped short as they realized I was awake.

"He opened his eyes, call the magier." (the form of doctors in the land)

The accompanying person ran out of the room and in minutes he arrived with the magier. That person looked familiar, too familiar. As he came closer and he spoke, I realized who it was. Fred.

"Hey boy, I'm so happy to see you are awake." He gave me a bear hug and soon hot tears fell from his eyes.
"How long have I been out?. A week, a month?."

"Six months." My eyes were about to pop from its socket, My jaws let my mouth drop. How bad did that explosion get me.

"So. you. Are not human?." He wouldn't look into my eyes. I was trying to figure out if it was our of fear or curiosity.

"I guess. Pretty insane right." My mind was scrambling for responses of questions racked up in his head.

"Why didn't you tell me. No us. About this." I didn't want to answer that. But truth be told, how the fuck would I answer that.

"I don't know, really." I turned my face from him and turned it to the vase beside me.

Tsk. He held his hand in a fist for a moment and then released it.

"His highness,king Armah, has requested your presence at the palace." He turned his back to leave the room.
"Do you hate me?. I wasn't really sure what i wanted as the reply to that question.

"Just get dressed, the king wants your presence". He didn't even give me a side eye as he walked out of the room.
I thought just minutes ago he hugged me desperately and now he won't even take a look at me.

I picked my clothes from a box beside me and with the approval of the magier, I was admitted out of the ward.

How. How have I been in coma for about six months,I wondered. What might have happened to lorytha, why wasn't she beside me today, all these kept my mind busy till the carriage arrived at the palace.
As soon as I stepped out of the carriage, a host of soldiers gathered around me, all pointing their weapons they said.
"By the order of the king, yakari Elizah, you are under arrest."
Now shit just got real.

Hands and legs were both cuffed, and I was dragged like an animal to the castle and placed in a special cell that was created for very notorious criminals.
But I wasn't a notorious criminal, I have always served the kingdom with all of my life and heart. I wondered if Fred was behind this. I sat on the floor, resting my head on my hands that had been crossed over my head.
Two days had passed since I had since the light of the day. Fred or Norman had not come to visit for once, lorytha had not still seen my face yet. Tears were all had kept me company the couple of days, mine and those in the cells around me.

"Yakari, the king summons you." The prison guard accompanied by ten soldiers came to pick me up .

It became clear to me. These people where scared of me, they were scared of the beast I had become.
But was it all my fault, I guess it was.
A sac was placed over my head the whole journey. Soon we arrived at our destination.
"We're here, bow before the king." The sac being removed from my head, I had a good veiw of the unhappy faces of the Royal family and all the other nobles. And finally, I saw lorytha. My heart beamed for joy.

"Greetings my highness, the Royal family and all the nobles of the kingdom of novien." My body was visibly shaken, I was scared to the bone. Only criminals wanted for hideous crimes had this kind of audience.

"So Elizah yakari, your existence in this nation has been quite unsure as your origin is not clear enough. Your father wasn't registered in any family record in novien, meaning you could be a mongrel or an imposter." Lord Jefferson literfey, he was the head of the literfey family, the ones concerned with the creation and implementation of law in the kingdom.
"Sir, I'm a full blooded human. I was born and breed in the oak city." I replied.

"Then tell me what this soldier is about to describe to us is. Bring him in." And soon a soldier entered the room, he had freight written all over him.
"That. That. That man is a monster. He bleed lava and breathe fire from his mouth. He deserved to be put to death your Highness." He made his exit seconds later.
I felt tears drop from my eyes, surprisingly cold ones. The people I served were afraid of me. I wondered if lorytha was scared of me. Stealing a gaze at her, she wasn't even looking towards my direction.
"So what do you call yourself?, what do you call this creature that that soldier described moments ago, Elizah yakari."
Silence fell on the hall, little chattering could be heard but it was indistinct.
I couldn't answer that question, what was I?, what had that hooded creature turned me into?.
Then the king stood from his throne, he took a mace from beside his throne and advanced towards me. His eyes were lost, he was looking at me but yet he seemed what he was looking at was far away.

"My son, riechford, got killed by creatures like you. You monsters killed my son!!!." He began hitting me with the mace ferociously, only stopping to catch his breath and then resuming once again. This went on for about five minutes. His garment had been stained with my blood. Not long after, my skin began to sizzle. The wounds were healing up.

"Yakari Elizah, you are sentenced to death."

That was a blow.

Thanks for reading. Please comment and tell me if you feel if there actions are justified.

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