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As our skins collided time and time again, it was hard to admit it, i was enjoying it. He pressed his large thumb against my breast, then he cupped it.
The heat from his body was intoxicating, he just kept going deeper and deeper. Even when I taught it couldn't get any better than this he would surprise me.

He shoved me to the corner of the bed then pulled me back to him.
His blue skin glowed from his sweat and every drop of it that touched my body aroused me more.

I couldn't get enough, I pulled him closer, he kissed my neck softly.
I could feel he was about to cum. But it was too early. I wished he go could farther and better than this.
But he is only orthorox.
He is no sex god.
In a moment it was over.

Well, my name is Oviera, and I just had great sex with my boyfriend.
I'm an orthorox and as you may already know, i hate humans.
I really don't have a reason why but I think that's kind of what king Bugkin told the orthorox race to do.

Today is gonna be hectic, I have to work for both me and my boyfriend, so yeah it is going to be hectic.
Rigano, that's my boyfriend's name by the way. I know you guys are curious.

What do I do for a living again?.
Oh yeah.
I am a thief.
And a high class one. I met rigano during one of my operations and now he's my arms dealer. He gets me all kinds of weapons for my robbery missions.
"Honey, I would be back in the evening.  I'm going to the ranches to see if I can get something for dinner ". Rigano just grunted.

Dude, the heat was intense today for no good cause. There has been little rainfall these days and a lot, i mean a lot ,of heat out here.

A regular orthorox city was beautiful come rain, come shine. And that was why I loved the city of BORTYMOX.
Paradise of rare beauty such as myself, and other important stuff.
Well if you must know, I'm not like the average orthorox female.
I'm different and they hate it. I'm really slim, my skin is slightly blue and I'm a red haired bitch. The other ladies carry dirty brown hair.
Also am extremely beautiful, well am not proud because I know what I am.
My fighting skills are second to none, I was once in the royal orthorox parade. I got bored and moved over to the wild side.

As I arrived at the ranch, it was filled with guards as usual.
But going through them will be easy, but it's what happens when you get in.
The ranch is what humans call a bank, It's filled with the up to date orthorox theft traps and alarms. The place is highly fortified inside than out.

The gold deposit cap, where all the tax of the citizens of the state are being deposited, sits in the middle of the ranch. So if caught I should get ready to be the center of attraction. Get it. I mean the joke. Awn. No one ever gets my sense of humor .

"What is that? ". The guard on post at the door asked his fellow guard man as they say two black coated balls roll towards them.
As he bent to pick it a yellow gas emitted from the balls and rendered the guards unconscious.
Damn that was too easy.

Now the main mission.
I tapped my belt that rigano gave me so we could communicate. I tapped it again. No response. That's unusual.
Rigano always picked the call when I went on the operations.

Anyway money must be made.
I had to risk it.
Go into one of the most guarded places alone. Without back up. No Rigano. No second eye. Ok am going in.

I climbed up to the roof of the ranch and crawled into the opening on top. The first set of traps were the viper rats. Those rats were big and had viper poison. Well I guess you already knew that.

I brought the only thing that scared those animals away. Well cooked porridge stew. The aroma drove them insane. In a minute the whole place was clear of them.
I tapped the belt again. No response.
I mean why on earth is Rigano not responding. I mean that's the only reason i go on missions alone while he stays back at home.

An hour of caution and perseverance finally lead me to the deposit cap. It was right over my head. Looking at me look at him. Baby you are mine.


One of the traps had been unlocked. I wasn't prepared for this. I had to leave.
I could hear the guards coming from the front and back. I was in no shape for a crazy fight. But there was no means of escape. Let's face it my story ends here.
"Drop your weapons, and comply with us, we won't hurt you, black mistress of khah". The guard in front said as he pointed his spear towards me.
"And if I surrender, what happens? ". I said as I put on my mask.

"we promise to take you straight to the king for your judgement, ma'm".

I giggled.

"What if any of my enemies find out am being sent to the palace and attacks me , what will you do?". I pulled out my sword. I got ready for some bloodshed.
The chief guard looked unease.
"we would protect you from harm's way, ma'm".
I gave a loud laugh.
"I am harm's way, bitch".

I charged for the chief guard and took a swing for his head and off it went. And so the rest of the guards. Ohh. My bad I left all of the guards headless.
what was that noise.
That noise again.
Wait ,it isn't noise. It's a c-level beast making its way through to this place. Am doomed for reals.
Slowly I withdrew from the room.
And they were two. All of a sudden.
I tapped the belt again. No response.
I was fucked. Figuratively.
Really fucked.

I picked a couple of spears left by the dead.
As I poised for a fight, I could hear the beasts return back to the cages. That was weird. But weird is good. And I made a run for it.

Back at home.
I wish i died in the ranch.
As I opened the door ready to scold my boyfriend. I met him banging someone else. And the communication belt was on the floor. No wonder he didn't pick the signal.
"RIGANOOO!!! "I yelled at the saddening sight.

He looked horrified as well. He began look for some bed clothe to cover his nakedness that I have seen a thousand times.
" I don't... It's not... Babe look I love you... It's not what it seems".
I took a long look at the bitch that just rode my ex-boyfriend to orthorox Paradise.

I walked right out of the room. I began to run. No where exactly. But I felt like running.
In no time I was at the border between we and the humans.
I wanted to commit suicide. Or at least let a human kill me. I saw a figure come from the woods  it looked scared to. No. What was in its hands. What was this. I began to approach it.

That's where I saw what changed my life forever.

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