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Oviera's pov.

As I edged closer to the border I heard my name being called.
I turned to see if it was Rigano calling behind me. But I saw no-one.

"Oviera, I'm over here".
When I turned around I saw a hooded figure in front of me.
I was startled. How did he get in front of me.

"where on earth do you think you are going to ". As the hooded creature headed towards I realized that I couldn't move my body.

"you see I can't let you die just yet. You are still useful up here in the land of the living. I'm going to show you something you or no one else in this generation knows about "

"You See your father and I made a deal but he died before he could honor the agreement. The name of your father is Cuck Davidson. He belonged to the boltins family of the human race. He met your mother when the humans travelled to Dovah for the very first time in history .The two of them and five others worked hand in hand to stop the one true darkness.
Your father borrowed my power to defeat the dark king and didn't return it before he passed away. So I'm here to retrieve what belongs to me. It seems like he passed the power unto you. And ooh, I killed Rigano and took residue of my power you left inside him when you had intercourse with him. Sorry I didn't tell you earlier ".
I couldn't still sum up what was going on.
How did he know my father was human. Who is this guy anyway. And what darkness is he talking about.

"What do you mean I have part of your power inside me. I'm just an ordinary thief. And how do you know my father was human. What kind of creature are you by the way. What is going on?. "

All he did was just touch my forehead and everything went white.
I was in a trans.

I saw my father with my mum holding me as a child. My father whispered something into my mom's ear then my mum disappeared.

Then I saw a winged creature stab my father with its wings but as he did it my father placed a seal on his chest turning the creature to dust.

As I watched on my mom reappeared and placed me in something that looked like a cocoon and as she did she vanished as well. My mom was a really beautiful orthorox woman.


I saw the hooded creature's hand set on fire as flew miles away from me. He tried taking the power while I was unconscious and he got burnt.

"That Cunny bastard , he kept the seal of the blood of pure hearts on you".

Immediately he summoned a sickle out of nowhere and started throwing attacks at me. I couldn't still understand why he was doing this. All of a sudden I felt a hand touch me and placed a sword in my hands and whispered something into my ears.

"Fight for what's yours. I always loved you. "
It was my father.
As the hooded creature threw another attack I blocked it with the sword sending him flying.

"I will get my power back even if  it has to be over your dead body. Your father promised to give me the power he stole from the dark king and he cheated for it. Now that power resides in you. This is why I have to kill you darling".

He launched another attack but this time he got me in the leg leaving me almost cripple. He then advanced towards me slowly dragging the sickle on the ground.

"You See darling, it's nothing personal but I have to use that power to stop the coming darkness and escape this reality of mine. Don't worry it won't be painful. I will make it quick ".

As he lifted the sickle to end it once and for all. I saw hands from behind drag me into a portal and closed it immediately.

"Don't worry you are in safe hands. Now let me tell you the true story. My daughter, Olivia Davidson. "

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