New Neighbor

602 13 8

Ayato's POV

I walk through the streets of the city and ignore the people who offered "great" prices on their products. Everyone knows it's just a scam.

The walk to Kenya's address took about 10 minutes. I had imagined her to be living in a giant house with nice flowers, but all I saw was plain white an apartment complex.

I open the crumbled paper and look for the apartment number or letter. Looks like it's letter E.

My feet began to climb up the stairs and I felt the cold metal bars touch my hand. The first apartment was A, that must be the apartment that Eto was talking about. The last one must be where she lives since there's 5 apartments in each row.

As I walk past the other apartments, by hands start to get sweaty. Am I neverous? Why the fuck would I be nervous?!

Fuck this, I'll break down her door and take her back to HQ.

I pick up my pace and soon see the last door.


I stared as the door for a couple of seconds before seeing a light coming from inside.

So she's home, makes it easier for me.

But just to make sure I better look through the window and see if it's really her.

My eyes widen as I see this beautiful girl sitting on the floor working on a project.

Her hair was in a messy bun, but that just made her cuter. She wore black sweats and a T-shirt that had Ed and Al from Fullmetal Alchemist. An anime lover.

A half eaten sandwich and a cup of juice was on the floor. Papers were around her and I could see bags under eyes.

Could she be working on a project that? Was Mari was suppose to help with? I'm positive that she was her partner and she left to go fuck guys.

Damn that slut! Leaving her to do all the work.

I had a sudden urge to kiss her. To hug her, to protect her from everything. She's the most beautiful person I've ever seen, I can see the innocence in her eyes.

No! This isn't like me to react like this!

I am a cold blooded ghoul who featsts on the flesh of humans and that's what I'm going to do right now!

I didn't notice the door open.

"Hello, do you need something?" Her voice is so angelic and soothing. Stay on task Ayato!

"Um, are you Kenya Ken?" That was my chance to grab her and take her. Damn it. At least I get to talk to her.

"Yes, why are you asking?" Fuck what do I say now? Do I tell her that I have information of Kaneki? Maybe that I'm a new student?

"Are you a new neighbor that moving in apartment A?"

"Yeah, I was told by the land lady that you could give me a tour of the neighborhood." Saved, for now.

"Yeah, I don't mind helping you. Did you just buy the apartment?"

"Yes, but my stuff are back at my old apartment."

"That sucks, having to move your things to a new home. If you want I can help."

"No that's fine. I have a friend who's helping me." If only she one where I'm staying.

"Where are my manners, would you like a cup of water, juice?" A smile appears on her beautiful face.

"Water is jus fine." It's the only thing I can drink. Kenya opens the door for me and I walk in. Her home feels welcoming and cozy.

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