- Authors Note -

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Welcome to my story!

Thank you so much for just clicking on this nice cliche lol

Most of you who found this are probably farmiliar with the x reader format, but if you aren't here are a few starters:

y/n - your name

y/f/n - your friend's name

e/c - eye color (yours or what you wish yours were)

h/c - hair color (yours or once again whatever color you wish yours could be)

And yeah. That will probably get you through the story. If I introduce any other ones they will most likely be explained at the beginning of the chapter.

Here is the main warning: I am a student who attends school and also participates in extracurricular activities, which means I cannot always update as much as I would like to. Please don't rush updates and if I haven't updated in a few days, that's normal. I am a living breathing human being with a social life? Nah. But trust me, I live and breathe.


We should get to the story...

Shouldn't we?


I'm so awkward please don't hurt me

Don't Listen to Them - Finn Wolfhard x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now