Chapter 7 - LEAVE HER ALONE!

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A/N - Slight warning for younger readers (11-12 and under most likely) This chapter kind of uses sexual terms, which could be confusing and or new for younger readers. (Just to be clear, it's not sexualization, and in fact doesn't even use any terms associated with sex. It just happens to go with the plot to use terms hinting to sexual things.) If you aren't familiar or comfortable with this type of situation, skip this part. It won't effect your reading experience.

Thanks for your consideration! :)

Y/N's POV -

I wake up in Finn's arms. confused why I'm here. It takes me a second to remember the night, due to being disoriented in the morning. I look at Finn, he has an angry expression on his face. I wonder what he's dreaming about. You can never tell with that boy. He isn't moving besides the steady rising and falling of his chest. Suddenly he clenches his fists and his expression has changed to pure rage. I don't want him to be upset, even if it's just his dream. "Leave... her... alone..." He whispers softly, barely moving his lips. His expression has softened, like whatever was bothering him had stopped slightly. It quickly morphed to fear as he flinched, as if he had been touched. I just kept staring at him. He was so prefect, what could be bothering him that much? "Leave her alone." He said, slightly louder and more assertive than before. He wasn't going to budge off this topic, whatever it was. Finn's expression hardened once more and he flinched a second time, but this time I don't think it was him who was touched. "LEAVE HER ALONE!" He yelled, waking himself and everyone else up.

"What the heck was that?" Noah said, rolling over to look at Gaten. Gaten shrugged and looked behind him at Caleb. Caleb was just as confused.

"If it wasn't any of you, it was Finn, because that was a male voice." Millie said, sitting up and stretching. Sadie nods as she sits up next to Millie, yawning. (A/N - If you yawned when reading the word yawned then me too boo.) I cuddled closer to Finn to provide him with comfort.

"It's ok." I said, stroking his cheek. Finn blushed, looking at me. He is just so dang cute. Wild curls framing his face and freckles dotting around his nose and cheeks.

"Y/N, I adore you." Finn said, finally breaking the silence we had built. I look into his deep brown eyes, trying not to get lost but they consume me. I feel like he can see through me. I look down, unable to maintain the eye contact without actually melting. Finn places a hand under my chin and lifts my face back up to his. I smile at him.

"I adore you as well, Finn." I say, giving Finn a soft kiss on the lips. He smiles at me as we pull back. I swear I melt FOR REAL. His goofy grin is as perfect as him, and he's perfect as anything. I sit myself of his lap, touching my forehead to his. We don't care that Millie, Noah, Gaten, Caleb, and Sadie could be watching. Finn places his hands on my hips again and I wrap my arms around his neck loosely. There is nothing better than the feeling Finn gives me. Even though we will probably grow apart, I can't help but thinking about a future with him. My Finn. My prince.

"Princess..." Finn says, "Kiss me princess..." I lean in, but apparently not fast enough. Finn crashes into me. I smile into the kiss, seeing how eager he is to be with me lifts me up. Finn smiles back and we continue deepening the kiss.

"Give it a rest!" Sadie exclaims. "Or get a room!"

Finn and I pull back alarmed. We didn't realize what a scene we were causing. "S-sorry." Finn said, standing up and taking my hand. "Let's go upstairs... while we are still 'in the mood'." He whispers to me. I raise my eyebrows at his comment as we walk up the stairs. "Yeah right I said it. I'm in the freaking mood."

"I guess I can admit I am as well..." I trail off a bit. It's weird to tell your boyfriend you're turned on after he admits to being tuned on as well. It puts you in a vulnerable spot. (A/N - This is getting weird, so if now you're becoming uncomfortable, you'll probably get uncomfortable in the coming few sentences and such. Don't be afraid to skip! It won't hurt my feelings, I understand.) Finn leads me to his room and I sit down on his bed as he closes and locks the door. "Why do you have to lock the door?" I ask, shifting a bit.

"Don't get the wrong idea, I just don't want to be filmed, photographed, or walked in on." Finn says, sitting beside me.

Finn's POV -

Y/N looks so perfect just sitting on my bed. Not just perfect, more than perfect. Like a divine being that has somehow chosen me. She lays her head across my lap and that's exactly what I needed. Now I'm visibly turned on. Thanks, Y/N. I think she notices because she sits up. Dang it. She re-positions herself on my lap now. Y/N is becoming TOO MUCH. I just want her. It's not right, we're just teens that have been dating for less than a week. That's not ok. I can't do that to her... yet. I kiss her more roughly than I have in past times. Y/N isn't surprised and kisses back in the same manner. "Kiss me harder, Finn." She mumbles into the kiss and I pull her closer to me. I kiss back in a slightly rougher manner. "Finnnn..." She says, drawing out the 'n'. I don't know what reaction I'm looking for.

"Y/N..." I say back, before pulling back to laugh at us. 

"We're some weird hormonal teens." Y/N says, joining in on my laughing. She's perfect, (short/long) h/c hair, stunning e/c eyes, and best of all, an amazing personality. I love everything about her.

"Hormonal or not, I love you." I say, staring into her eyes, cupping her cheeks in my hands. She beams back at me.

"I love you, too, Finny." Y/N replies, following with a quick peck on my lips. "We should hang out with the cast, don't want to make them feel abandoned." I laugh and go to unlock the door.

"After you, princess."



This was not sexualization, it just got steamier than usual and I didn't want people to become uncomfortable. I personally am not comfortable reading or writing sexual stories and don't plan on it.

Thanks fo reading!

i so awkward

pls no hurt

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