Chapter 9 - Perfect

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Y/N's POV -

I found a love for me

Darling just dive right in

And follow my lead

I found a girl beautiful and sweet

I never knew you were the someone waiting for me

'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love

Not knowing what it was

I will not give you up this time

But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own

And in your eyes, you're holding mine

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song

When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath

But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight


I heard a knock on the door, bringing me right back to reality. "Y/N, are you feeling any better, my love?" It was my mom. I had been sick with the flu for a few days now, and the stress of Finn going to school with Y/F/N... it just made me feel sicker.

"I-I guess." I stutter, taking off my headphones and sitting up. My mom carries over a tray with cereal on it.

"I know you don't want to eat, but please, just try to eat a little bit?" She asks, placing the tray of cereal at the end of my bed. I nod my head, dragging the tray onto my lap. I stare at the cereal as if I want it to make the first move. Finally, I give in. I take the spoon in my hand and scoop up some cereal. I try not to wrinkle my nose in disgust as thoughts of throwing up resurface in my mind. I eat the cereal slowly, my mom watching.

"I can eat cereal on my own!" I exclaim with a smile. Earning a laugh from my mom.

"I just want to make sure you're alright, honey. Now lets take your temperature again and maybe watch a movie downstairs?" She suggests, removing the thermometer from the back pocket of her khaki pants. I manage a nod and a smile again as I place the spoon in the now empty bowl of cereal. I was feeling better already at the though of getting out of my bed, even if it was just to walk downstairs. My mom inserted the thermometer under my tongue. A few seconds of silence passed before it began beeping.

"What is it?" I ask, slightly eager. I'm just hoping it's going down, I want to see Finn. It's Sunday, so if I am fever-free today I can go back to school tomorrow.

"98.7, normal!" My mom exclaims, high-fiving me.

"Yesss!" I exclaim, sweeping my legs off the side of my bed and swiftly dropping to the floor.

"How about we watch Mean Girls?" My mom asks. (A/N - Sorry if you don't like Mean Girls or haven't watched/heard of it.) I nod my head, excitedly standing up and following my mom downstairs to the living room. She puts on the movie and we sit on the couch, laughing when all of a sudden the doorbell rings. I start to get up when my mom pushes me back down. "I'll get it!" She says, pressing pause on the movie and standing up. It's probably just some guy with a package or something.  I think to myself. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Finn's POV -

Y/N has been sick for three or four days now, and I really hope she's feeling better. Today, I decided to visit her and make sure she's ok. We've been texting and she's been updating me on how she's feeling. Today I haven't received any texts, so I'm assuming she's feeling better and catching up on school work or something.

I take a deep breath and walk up to her front door. I stand there for a few minutes, forgetting why exactly I'm here. I remember and ring the doorbell. I hope Y/N answers it! I think. I shuffle my feet as I await the door opening. Soon, the door opens. It's Y/N's mom... I didn't account for that! "Hello, Mr. Wolfhard?" She asks, slightly confused. I remember that we have never been properly introduced, but she does know who I am.

"Hello Mrs. L/N! I was wondering if Y/N is feeling any better today? I just stopped to check in on her, but if she's not feeling well en-" I look over Mrs. L/N shoulder and see Y/N standing over in the next room. A smile creeps across my face as Mrs. L/N turns around to see her daughter.

"I guess I'll leave you two alone." She says, smiling and walking away. Y/N runs to me and jumps into my arms, nearly knocking me backwards off the stoop.

"I've missed you." I whisper into Y/N's ear, hugging her tighter. I trail kisses down her neck and she sighs.

"I've been missing you too." Y/N says, pulling back from the hug. I close the door behind me as Y/N grabs my hand. "Come in and stay a while." She says, winking jokingly while leading me through her house. It's nothing over the top, but it's a nice house with two stories above ground, an attic, and a basement. Y/N leads me upstairs and into her bedroom. She closes and locks the door behind her. I cock my head to the side, confused.

"Why would you need to lock the door?" I ask, sitting on her bed. Y/N gives me a mischievous grin, but I know she's kidding.

"I just like my privacy, and otherwise we wouldn't get any." She says, sitting down across from me. I can't take it anymore. I lean over and kiss her roughly, my hands tracing down from her cheeks to her hips. Y/N leans closer and scoots herself towards me, entangling her hands in my hair.

"I've missed this." I whisper into the kiss. I feel Y/N's lips curl into a smile as we continue kissing. We finally pull back, my hair looking even more disheveled than usual. Y/N doesn't look right into my eyes and she just sits there looking perfect. I hear her humming something under her breath. I can't quite make out the words because she's so quiet. I can tell she's singing, though.

"I found a love... for me..." I hear her say, audibly this time. She's singing Perfect by Ed Sheeran.

"Darling just dive right in... and follow my lead..." I continue, Y/N looks up at me, realizing that she had sang the first few lyrics just audibly enough for me to hear. She turns beat red and looks away.

"I found a girl... beautiful and sweet..." I hear Y/N mutter as she faces away from me.

"I never knew you were the someone waiting for me..." I finish, taking Y/N's face in my hands. I tilt her chin up so she is forced to make eye contact with me. 

"'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love... not knowing what it was..." Y/N sang, smiling and looking into my eyes.

"I love you." I said, smiling back.

"I love you too." Y/N said. With that, I closed the space between us once more.

A/N - Ok so this is kind of different than the other chapters I've written considering this one sort of uses a song as the central theme, but anyways, it turned out alright. It's also 1000+ words so YEET!!!

And PLEASE don't forget to go comment on my most recent chapter what you want me to do now that I've reached 200 reads on this book!!! If I don't get any votes I'm going to have to sadly delay the celebration until we can get some GOSH DANG VOTES AM I RIGHT!!??

It's very easy to vote for what you want, you just comment what you want of the choices provided (in the last chapter) and then whatever one gets the most votes is the one I will do!!! It would mean the world to me if you could just go check it out and comment which one you'd like for the 200 reads celebration!!!

Also, since we have reached 200 reads I'm officially taking this book off hold and will be focussing on it just as much as my other books! (which I highly recommend checking out #shamelessselfpromotion)

Anyways, until next time,

Pasta la Vista, baby!!!


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