Chapter 6 - Overnight?

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A/N - Cringe warning: My writing sucks get ready to CRINGE and... 

Y/M/N = Your mom's name

y/f/c = your favorite color

Y/N's POV -

Everyone had left the party except for the ST cast and me. The cast was already staying the night according to what Finn told me, but I was getting ready to head out. I grabbed my phone ad coat and was about to leave when Finn stopped me. "Are you sure that you can't stay overnight?" He asked me, drawing out the sure. I wasn't honestly sure.

"It's worth a shot." I say, unlocking my phone and shooting my mom a text message.

Y/N: Heeyyy mom can I PLEEEEEAAAAASE stay the night at Finn's house? The Stranger Things cast is here as well!!!

Y/M/N: Sure honey, just don't do anything that I wouldn't approve of, and you know what I mean.


Y/M/N: Ok, just be safe. Love you😘

Y/N: Love you too😘

"Finn! I can stay!" I exclaim, running back to my spot in the circle we had created after everyone had left.

"Yes!" Millie exclaims, throwing her arms around me again. Millie and I were becoming very close.

"Cool, Y/N." Finn says, taking my hand. "Now, what should we do?" Everyone kind of stared blankly at each-other for a little bit. Millie spoke up.

"WE SHOULD LIVE-STREAM!" Millie exclaimed, pulling out her phone and presenting it to us. Finn grinned and nodded. Everyone else seemed to be up for it as well.

"We can present Y/N to the public as your girllllllfriend Finn!" Sadie taunted, waving her arms around. Finn kept smiling.

"My plan exactly." He said, looking at me and back at Millie's phone where she was setting up the live-stream. Millie fin(n)ally got her phone to lean up against a chair and she started an Instagram live.

M = Millie, F = Finn, G = Gaten, C = Caleb, N = Noah, and Y = You

M: Hey guys! I'm here with my good friends from the Stranger Things cast and Finn's new girlfriend...

Y: Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!!

F: Woot woot

N: Scoot over I want to be in the fraaaaame!

G: Guys I had to lick a rug earlier

C: We can answer your quessssstions *dances*

M: Guyssssss ask questions for Y/N

F: This person is asking what Y/N's favorite color is

Y: It's y/f/c of course!

N: What a classic *slaps knee*

M: What even Noah you're so random

G: This person wants to know how Finn and Y/N met!

C: I'd like to know as well... love birds *awkward bird hand motion*


F: We met because I transferred schools after I moved, and we had the same schedule

Y: Yea, I was assigned the duty to show him around the school and his classes. It got pretty intense the first day. *smirks*

F: Preeeeeeetty intense

- Time skip to ending the live stream -

M: Seems like we have to go for now, but thank you everyone for watching!

Everyone: BYE!!!

Finn smirked at me and took my hand while the others congregated talking about the live-stream. He lead me into a small room off of the main room. The small room consisted of a few items, one being a bed. I raised an eyebrow at Finn, but he assured me that wasn't his intent. We sat down on a small couch in the room, just sat there. Finn looked at me and then smiled a goofy grin. "Why did you bring me in here?" I asked him, smiling politely.

"I wanted to be alone with you..." Finn mumbled, looking down.

"I love you, Finn." I placed a hand on his chin and lifted his head up. "I've never loved someone before, Finn, but I believe this is what love is." Finn cups my face in his hands and stares deeply into my eyes. I remember when he first looked into my eyes and I wished he wouldn't do it at that moment, but now all I wanted was to stare at his handsome face and kiss him.

"I love you, too, Y/N." Finn said and then he closed the space between us. I ran my hands through his curly hair and he took a strand of my h/c hair and twirled it. I sat on his lap, facing him. He moved his hands to my hips and placed them there. The door opened. Finn and I froze, breaking apart slowly.

"Oooooh they have been getting it ON in here!" Noah exclaimed mentioning for the others to come over. I was about to move when Finn kept me in place.

"We actually did nothing but kiss." I said, looking at the cast as they had gathered around.

"I don't think they would actually do anything, guys." Millie stated, gesturing to Finn and I.

"Oooh Millie is behind their secret plaaaaan!" Gaten exclaimed just to be greeted by a small slap on the arm from Millie. Noah chuckled at Gaten's mistake as Caleb danced in the corner to try to make Finn and I laugh. It worked. Millie looked from Finn to me and then followed our gazes to Caleb, who continued to dance. Soon everyone was cracking up and had forgotten all about the accusations pressed against Finn and I. Finn and I went back into the main room with the rest of the cast and everyone sat in front of the TV. Finn put on some random movie and I fell asleep lying across his lap. Finn was stroking my hair and my cheek until he also fell asleep. I really do love him, and he really does love me.

So this is what love is.

A/N - This is not a revised version, so please don't harp on small mistakes. This was also written on my tablet, not my computer, so errors would most likely be more common.


T h a n k s  F o r  R e a d i n g ! ! !

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