Chapter 8 - Don't cry, baby

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Finn's POV -

Going to school and having all my classes with Y/N has been great. We've really bonded over this month. There is my one concern though, Y/F/N has been a little too friendly with me recently, and rumor has it she's broken up with her boyfriend. Clearly, anyone with common sense and eyes knows that Y/N and I are together, but I fear Y/F/N wants to change that. I don't believe she wants Y/N to be happy, and apparently I'm a direct source of happiness. Great. I really do love Y/N, and I just don't want something to happen that looks like something it's not... you probably get what I'm referring to. I don't think Y/F/N will stop anytime soon with her flirtatious actions towards me, so I feel it's time to talk to Y/N about this issue.

"Hey, Y/N, we need to talk, about Y/F/N." I say, pulling her to the side as we walk down the hallway. She rolls her eyes.

"How could that girl possibly make my life any worse?" Y/N asks me, throwing her hands up expressively. I don't like when she is flustered.

"Y/N, she's being flirtatious with me since she broke up with her boyfriend. I feel like she wants to just steal me from you because she wants you to be unhappy and she's jealous and wants everyone and everything for herself. If she stays on this track I feel likes she's going to try to kiss me or something and that is the last thing I'd want I love you, Y/N, and I don't want anything to look like something it'd not because I'm in love with you-" Y/N cut me off before I could say anymore by forcefully kissing me and pushing me backwards. I put my hands on her face and ran my fingers through her hair slightly. Her hands made their way through my untamed messy curls. I pressed my lips against hers, more determined than usual. No one saw our make-out session because I pulled us behind the stairs. Gotta think ahead. I didn't want to pull back, she was who I wanted to kiss for EVER. After we pulled back, we sat down. Y/N on my lap facing me as we usually did when one of us was upset. Good thing this is during break. Y/N, traces circles on my chest and I feel a tear run down my face. I was thinking about if I didn't have Y/N. She spotted it right away and wiped it with her thumb.

"Finnnnnn..." She said, drawing out the 'n', "Don't cry, baby." She strokes my cheek and I pull her closer.

"Y/N..." I manage to say before completely breaking down.

"Finn, no, stop, you're making me cry..." Y/N said, as tears began to roll down her cheeks as well. I wrapped my arms around her and she wrapped hers around me. I love her too much, we can't ever part.

"I love you so much, Y/N, I just don't want to lose you..." I trail off, still crying.

"I love you so much as well Finn, and I live in the constant fear of losing you, babe... I just..." Y/N kissed me passionately. We were suddenly in the mood. I knew this wasn't really a great mood to be in at school, but it was how we felt. We just sat there, lip-locked lovers. She pulled back slowly. "Break is almost over, Finn." Y/N whispers, standing up and grabbing her bag. I check my watch, wow we've been doing that for a while. I stand up as well and take Y/N's hand. We walk together to our next class and wait.

"I don't want anything to change this." I say, squeezing Y/N's hand.

"I don't either." She replies, smiling.

Don't Listen to Them - Finn Wolfhard x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now