Chapter 5 - What a Party, Wolfhard.

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- Time skip to Saturday, when Finn is having a party at his house with the Stranger Things cast and he has invited you, but y/f/n (from earlier) is also going to be there -

Finn's POV -

"Y/N!" I yell at Y/N from the bottom of her stairs. I'm at her house to bring her to my party early. I needed someone to help me set up.

"Finn I'm coming! Geez!" Y/N yells down to me and I hear the door unlock. She comes out of her room and slides down the banister. Y/N and I have made it official since our kiss in detention. It seems pretty long ago, but it's only the first week. Y/N is looking fine in her (insert favorite outfit/dream outfit). Her h/c hair is perfect and her e/c eyes are glistening with excitement. "I'm ready." She says, snapping me out of my fantasy. I lead her outside to my mom's car. I can't drive yet, obviously. Y/N gets in the back and I sit in the front next to my mom. My mom turns on the radio and it's a song I like. I bob my head to the music and Y/N giggles.

"What's so funny?" I ask, turning to look at her.

"Your curls. They bounce everywhere when you bob your head." She says, laughing once again. I join her in laughing. "It's cute." Y/N says as her cheeks gain a pink hue. I blush too as I turn back to look straight ahead.

"We're home." My mom says and Y/N and I get out of the car, followed by my mom. "You kids can focus on decorating the basement or whatever you were going to do while I make some cookies." My mom is making cookie? YES! I know Y/N loves cookies. (A/N - If you don't, replace cookies with another food item you enjoy consuming.) I lead Y/N down to the basement and she is surprised to see it all decorated.

"I thought we were supposed to be decorating." Y/N says, slightly surprised.

"I wasn't going to have you come over early just to work." I say, taking Y/N's hand an leading her to the couch. We sit down and I flick on the television. "Movie?" I ask her, raising an eyebrow. Y/N leans her head on my chest.

"Sure. What do you have in mind?" Y/N asks, looking up at me. I kiss her cheek gently to make her smile. She grins from ear to ear and blushes. She makes me so happy.

"How about-" DING! The doorbell rings. "I guess they showed up early!" I exclaim, getting up slowly and leading Y/N back up the stairs. My mom had already gotten the door and the whole ST cast was now here. I didn't realize they were all carpooling.

"OMG IS THAT Y/N!?" Millie screams on the top of her lungs.

"Yes." Y/N says, cautiously as Millie engulfs her in a huge hug. Millie grins at me and mouths "you chose a good one." I laugh and greet Noah, Gaten, and Caleb. Sadie is next in line to hug Y/N and Y/N looks happy.

"Let's go back down stairs." I suggest. Everyone heads downstairs, but I see that Y/N is lingering behind. "You good, Y/N?" I ask her, stopping before continuing down the stairs.

"I'm not sure." She says, hugging her arms close to herself.

"What's there to not be sure about?" I ask, putting a hand on her cheek, and pulling her face closer to mine.

"Your friends," Y/N says, looking into my eyes, "I don't want to screw up with them, they're your friends and I just don't know if they'll really like me." A tear rolls down her cheek. I wipe it away with my thumb. She glances back up at me. I take the opportunity while she's looking at me and kiss her.

"You can't screw up with my friends. Even if they don't like you it doesn't matter one bit to me." I say after we pull back. Y/N smiles and I give her a reassuring grin back.

"Thanks, Finn," She says, taking my hand, "Now let's get downstairs with the others."

Y/N's POV -

I follow Finn back downstairs and everyone is sitting in a circle on the floor playing Truth or Dare. "We must have walked in at an inopportune time." Finn says, catching Gaten licking the rug. Everyone bursts into laughter as Gaten fulfills his dare to lick the rug. Finn and I join the circle and as soon as we do...

"Truth or Dare, Finn?" Millie asks. I hope Finn is thinking about his decision because this could go wrong in so many ways.

"Dare." Finn says, a devilish glint flashing in his eyes. Heck, he either hasn't been thinking or he knows exactly what he's getting himself into.

"First," Sadie asks, glancing from me to Finn and back to me, "How intimate is your relationship with Y/N?" Everyone looks right at me and Finn. Finn shifts uncomfortably and I stare at the ground.

"Come on! We haven't got all night!" Caleb says, pushing Finn friendly like.

"We've kissed." Finn speaks up. Everyone looks at Millie.

"If you've kissed..." Millie says, rubbing her hands together maniacally, "Then make out with Y/N right here, right now!" I look at Finn and he's beet red.

"You don't have to-" I cut Finn off. I hear the "oohs" and "I ship it!" as Finn and I continue to deepen the kiss. I think someone tried to pull a phone out, but Millie stopped whoever it was. I thanked her internally as Finn and I separated. Both of us are blushing like mad and Millie claps her hands.

"You guys are so cute!" She exclaims as Finn puts his arm around me to pull me in closer. The doorbell rings.

"I didn't realize that more people were coming." I say to Finn as he gets up to go upstairs. He shrugs.

"I invited most of our grade." Finn says, grinning. "Everyone wait down here while I go and get the remainder of our party guests." As Finn heads upstairs, his mom comes down with a tray of freshly made cookies.

"MY FAVORITE!" I exclaim, jumping up to grab some of those delicious morsels. Chocolate chip is by far the best. Finn must have told her. Everyone else grabs cookies and they are delicious.

"These are delicious, Mrs. Wolfhard." Sadie says, grabbing her second one.

"Save some for me!" Noah yells, squeezing through the rest of us to grab himself the biggest cookie. "Suckers!" He exclaims as he shoves the whole thing in his mouth. Gaten glares at him.

"I had my sights set on that one!" He scoffs jokingly as he grabs a smaller one.

"To bad so sad." Caleb says as he grabs two more.

"How many cookies did you possibly make?" Millie asks as she eats four at once.

"Goodness, slow your roll girl!" I exclaim at Millie as she starts laughing. Bits of cookie fly out of her mouth and Sadie can't control herself. It then turns into a full scale "who can fit the most cookies in your mouth without dying" competition. Soon, we run out of cookies on that tray and Mrs. Wolfhard goes to make more. I realize Finn had been upstairs for a solid ten minutes as we were eating cookies. I break away from the group as the fin(n)ish of the last crumbs of cookie. I race up the stairs and spot Finn at the door talking to y/f/n. That jerk. Her and her sorry little boyfriend are standing at the door, but y/f/n doesn't seem to care that she's in a relationship. She's talking it up with Finn and he looks so uncomfortable. I run over to save him.

"Oh, speak of the devil!" Finn exclaims, wrapping his arm around my waist tightly. He whispers a small thanks to me before directing y/f/n and her boyfriend to the basement. They are followed by a lot of the other kids from my grade, and I put a weak smile on my face. "Don't worry," Finn reassures me, "Just stick close to me, you'll be fine." He hugs me and we go down stairs. This was going to be an interesting night.

A/N - Thanks for reading!

I believe this is the 3rd 1000+ word chapter coming in at a whopping 1350 words without the A/N!

I really prefer writing longer chapters, because they are much more interesting for me to read in other people's books, so I am just assuming they are more interesting for you guys.

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If you want to read a one-shot book, go check out my one-shot book! I will try to make it better soon!

Once again, thanks for reading this chapter and I hope to be updating soon!

Anyways... duces for now boyos :) :3 :P

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