Chapter 12 - Night One

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Y/N's POV -

It didn't take long for Finn and I to find a spot to stay for the night. It was an old run down motel with only two of the letters on the "OPEN" sign lit. I took note that the sign now actually said "ON". Finn and I dismounted our bikes and locked them to a bike rack outside. I was unaware of the fact that violent tremors were racking my body as I thought about my parents. What will they think? Will they look for me? What will happen if Finn and I are caught? Will Finn's parents be looking for him? How long will Finn and I be on the run? Will we ever be able to return and live normal lives? What about Y/F/N? What will her parents do? Will the bystanders tell? "Y/N, you alright?" I was brought back to reality by Finn, shaking my shoulders. "You were shaking pretty bad and seemed zoned out." I smile at Finn and nod my head.

"Just thinking." I say as he takes my hand.

"Let's just get a room for the night, ok?" Finn asks as if my verdict will decide.

"Of course Mr. Wolfhard." I reply, giving him a peck on the lips as we walk into the motel. The man at the front desk is intently playing a game on his phone when we tap on the window slightly. He turns and gives us a look of utter disgust.

"What do you kids need? Your parents here?" The man asks, turning slightly towards us. His shirt has stains on it and his tarnished yellow name badge says 'Larry'. I shake my head.

"We need a room for the night." Finn replies, pulling out his dad's wallet. The guy makes and 'o' shape with his mouth and nods.

"Ran away?" Larry asks. I resist the urge to nod. "It's ok, I won't snitch. I ran away to as a kid. Also, I hate getting involved with police officers." He chuckles softly as he looks down.

"How much will a room be?" Finn asks, causing Larry to look up again.

"Rooms on me, kid, just it will be a single." Larry replies, motioning with his hand that it's no big deal. "Just if you make it out of town and get into trouble, call me." He says, slipping us a small slip of paper with his cellphone number.

"Thank you Larry, you're a lifesaver." I say before Finn grabs the keys to our room and leads me away. It's a decent room for a motel that looks so rough from the outside. Finn and I immediately drop our bags on the ground and examine the room. I check the bed to make sure it's clean and luckily it is. I don't know if Finn is finding it just as weird as I am that we have to share a bed. I have never slept with a guy before unless you count my parents when I was younger. Finn comes back from examining the bathroom in just boxers and a gray t-shirt. I blush and look down at the ground, avoiding eye contact with Finn.

"So..." Finn begins, strolling over to the bed and sitting down. "The room isn't bad." I nod and try to look away again but Finn stops me. He grabs my cheek and pulls my face to his. Our lips collide and I smile at the now familiar feeling of warmth.

"Finn, I have to change." I mumble as he showers me with kisses. Finn ignores my comment and commences to kiss my jaw down to my neck. "Fiiiiiiiinnnnn!" I whine as he pulls back, pressing his forehead to mine.

"Yes beautiful?" Finn asks me, a smile playing across his face.

"I need to change." I say, enchanted by his brown eyes as he states happily at me.

"Ok," Finn begins, letting go of me as I walk to my bag, "but this isn't over!" He yells right before I close the bathroom door. I giggle lightly to myself as I assess the situation of clothes. I had just grabbed some random items of Finn's from the bag considering we never stopped by my house to grab anything. I came up with a olive green shirt and some black boxers.

"These better be clean." I tell myself as I remove my other pants and slip the boxers over my underwear. They were very comfortable, surprisingly. After I put on Finn's boxers I put on the green shirt, which was surprisingly not extremely big. I sighed as I opened the door, finding Finn waiting right outside.

"Heyyyyy babe." He says, drawing out the "hey" as he looks me up and down. I smirk and drop my other clothes in my bag, making sure that I am being noticed by Finn. I can tell that it's working as my eyes skim across his crotch. I look away and think about what's going on. I would never have even had thoughts like this before, but now Finn is here. Finn. His name sends chills down my spine as I sit on the bed.

"Finn... let's sleep." I say, slightly seductive. I didn't mean for it to come out so weird but a devilish grin is now plastered across Finn's face. He raises his eyebrows for a second, but walks over to the bed just the same. Finn sits down and I roll to the opposite side of the bed and lay down, facing Finn's back. Finn slowly removes his shirt, revealing his back. I reach out and stroke his back from the top down. Finn lays down and rolls over to face me.

"I love you." He whispers, wrapping both of his arms around my waist. I smile and lean my forehead on his. I wish we could just stay like this a bit longer.

"I love you, too." I whisper back before our lips crash together. The kiss turns into pure passion in seconds, like a car accelerating from 0-70. Finn's hands start massaging my waist and my arms wrap around his neck, attempting to hold him closer. I entangle my hands in his perfect curly hair as we kiss. I smile into the kiss as Finn's hands rub my back slowly. The kisses move from our lips to me trailing them across Finn's jawline. I continue to play with his hair as I kiss down his jawline to his neck. Finn lets out a small moan which catches me off guard and leaves me confused. "I'm remaining a virgin tonight, Wolfhard." I shoot back playfully in response to the moan. Finn laughs.

"I didn't plan on taking anyone's virginity tonight." He says in between laughs.

"Some things say otherwise." I respond, noting the fact that Finn and I are pressed up against each other. Finn's face drops from confident to embarrassed in seconds as a deep red blush spreads like a wildfire across his cheeks.

"I-I-I... umm... I'm sorry..." Finn responds, trying to pull away from me.

"No no no! Stay right here." I say. Finn smiles nervously at me and I laugh. "Don't be nervous, Wolfhard." Finn smiles at me.

"Don't listen to them." He whispers to himself, chuckling.

"What? Who? Who do I not listen to?" I ask, tilting his chin up so he is looking directly into my eyes.

"Them. Everyone. Don't listen to the people out there, the people who tell you to doubt yourself and tell you that it's not possible. Don't listen to them." Finn starts, smiling at me.

"That all?" I ask him, also smiling now.

"No, don't listen to the voices in your head that tell you everything is wrong everything is bad everything is unsafe, if you don't take any risks or do anything that might actually be wrong you can't get anything out of life if you don't take any risks or do anything wrong." Finn finishes, kissing my forehead once.

"All deep and philosophical now, aren't we?" I ask, laughing.

"Goodnight, I love you." Finn says, chuckling at my comment.

"Goodnight, I love you, too." I respond before closing my eyes for the first night.

Night one.

A/N - unedited and written on my tablet

Most likely chock full of mistakes but still go ahead and read. 

I felt bad for not publishing a part after I said that one was coming.

Sorry :/

I wish I didn't have to disappear off the face of the earth sometimes, but school has been giving more assignments and the new teacher that replaced the one that left has given more homework than necessary.

If you want some random trash check out my IRL book!!

For my newest (and only as of now) Mileven edit, see my Tumblr, Kylie-what!!

For no hecking reason, go look at my Quotev, Chuvakitty!!

Even HMU on Discord if you're lonely!! Chuvakitty#1331

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