Chapter 11 - Kill The Bitch

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"I said this could go one of two ways," I begin, stroking the blade softly, "and I meant it."

Finn's POV -

I took the knife and pressed the dull side against Y/F/N's throat, earning many gasps and screams from the crowd that has gathered. Y/N gives me a glance before releasing Y/F/N's shirt collar and stepping back. I grab her collar and continue to press the dull side of the blade against her throat. "You will apologize." I say, spitting as I talk.

"No. I. Won't." Y/F/N says, starting to breathe heavier as I pull the blade back. A smirk plays across her lips and Y/N makes a disgusted face.

"Yes. You. Will." I say, taking the sharp side of the blade and putting it inches away from Y/F/N's neck.

"I don't think you have the guts to do it, Wolfhard." She says, laughing to herself. "You can't murder me in front of this crowd you've drawn." I look around at all the people that have gathered to watch. Y/N mumbles something to herself.

"Y/N?" I ask, turning away for a second so Y/N can repeat herself.

"Kill her." She says, still quietly.

"What?" I say, surprised.

"KILL THE BITCH!" Y/N exclaims louder. "I WANT TO SEE WHO IN THE CROWD WOULD EVEN TRY TO STOP YOU!" She continues screaming with so much passion. I look at her, her posture has changed and her expression is mainly anger, but also fear. I fumble the knife in my hand as Y/F/N cackles, an evil grin plastered across her face.

"That's exactly what she want's us to do." I say, looking at the blade and then up at Y/F/N. "To bad." I slit Y/F/N's throat and the crown gasps. I look at Y/N and we run to pick up our bikes, "as far as we can go." I say, looking back at the school for the last time. 

Y/N and I ride as fast as we can to my house and I drop my bike, instructing Y/N to stay outside. She nods her head and nervously looks around. "They aren't going to find us." I reassure her as I climb through my bedroom window. Inside the house I grab two backpacks and stuff them full of supplies you would need to run away, I grab a new knife and throw away the blood covered one from earlier. I also grab a lighter from my kitchen and a few water bottles. My parents are asleep because their jobs are early morning jobs and they sleep all day. I steal all of their money and I even go to the safe and take some more cash from there. I feel bad about leaving like this, but Y/N and I could be convicted of a crime and jailed. It just can't happen. I also throw in a few pairs of jeans and some shirts. I grab two jackets and toss one down through the window to Y/N. She hastily puts it on as I drop down out of my window, carrying the two backpacks of supplies. I had stuffed a few other essential items in the bags before I came out of my room.

"Where are we going to go?" Y/N asks, looking around nervously, again.

"We are going to ride our bikes to the nearest motel and get a room for the night. If this doesn't blow over tonight then we will ditch the bikes and catch a bus to the farthest town we can get to. I have enough money for us to live off of if we are careful and I have clothes in my bag." I look around as well, hearing the faint sounds of sirens from the school.

"W-we should get going." Y/N says. "I don't want to be caught already." I toss Y/N a backpack and we ditch our school bags, they won't be a necessity at the moment. I take one last glance at my house before Y/N and I peddle away.

Everything will be alright, won't it?

A/N - This took a dark turn didn't it? Well, I wanted to make the book somewhat more interesting and I thought it would be cool writing about them having to flee from a murder scene so yea. Anyways, I hope you don't hate the book now and I hope you didn't expect it to just be boring fluff because now it's definitely not going to be just that.

It wasn't a long one, but it was a good one.

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