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Ok. I'm kind of self conscious about putting my face out here on this site because everyone else is so beautiful.

Also, I didn't have my hair how it normally is so these are mostly accurate, but not completely.

Anyways, without further ado...

Me with my glasses (I wear them practically all the time and I feel that I look better with them on because my large forehead is less noticeable [and the fact that I'm not blind

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Me with my glasses (I wear them practically all the time and I feel that I look better with them on because my large forehead is less noticeable [and the fact that I'm not blind... that's also good as well])

Now I got more comfortable with the online photo-editing program I used on this photo so that's why it looks better I guess, but anyways this is what I look like if I'm not wearing my glasses, and like I said earlier I prefer wearing my glasses so...

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Now I got more comfortable with the online photo-editing program I used on this photo so that's why it looks better I guess, but anyways this is what I look like if I'm not wearing my glasses, and like I said earlier I prefer wearing my glasses so yeah.

Anyways, that was the face reveal.

I hope it was everything you were hoping for.

Until next time,

Kylie out,


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