Chapter 10 - One of Two Ways

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Finn's POV -

I look across the room at the clock on the wall, 6 more minutes of this stupid science classroom before a wonderful break. Y/N and I both need a break from school, I know it. I can see it on her face whenever we have to write an essay in English or solve a equation in Math. I can see her distaste for school growing every day. The thing she excels at it turning into a chore, and I have no idea why. Y/N refuses to tell me what's wrong, saying that she "doesn't want to trouble me with all her problems" and stupid stuff like that. Honestly, her problems are my top priority. I don't care if I'm having trouble, all I need is for Y/N to be doing alright, then all of my problems disappear like they were non-existent.

The only problem that is sticking around, however, is Y/N's friend, Y/F/N. She hasn't backed down and she doesn't plan on it any time soon. I don't get what's wired into Y/F/N's brain that she has to have me just to make Y/N dissatisfied. This is honestly putting a lot of stress on Y/N to make sure that she doesn't screw up with Y/F/N because one false move and BAM! Y/F/N makes an unwanted advance on me.

I look over at Y/N, she is bent over a Science worksheet, working diligently. Her hair is hanging down and hiding her face, indicating her concentration. I look down at my Science worksheet, I have 3 questions left that I honestly have no idea what to do about. I tap Y/N's shoulder and she instantly turns around. "Finn," she whispers, "this sin't really the time, old man McGreggor doesn't like when kids talk in class." I smile at her.

"Do you think I give two fucks about old man McGreggor? I need help on questions 19, 20, and 21." I whisper back. Y/N grins and looks down at her worksheet.

"One kiss per answer, Mr. Wolfhard." She teases, making a fish face. I blush and look down at my paper as Y/N's soft giggles echo around the silent classroom. Old man McGreggor looks up from his laptop to shoot Y/N and I dirty looks, but he doesn't feel like doing anything about it.

"Ok! Ok!" I whisper shout, "Now give me the answers! We have 2 minutes!" Y/N giggles again. I can't help but grin. This girl is too adorable.

"19- A, 20- D, and 21- C." She whispers. I circle the answers, reading them super fast.

"Oh, that makes sense now." I say, smiling at my paper. Y/N giggles, pushing my shoulder as she gets up to turn in her worksheet. I sit still, staring at Y/N as she confidently slides her worksheet into the folder. I stand up and slowly make my way to the front of the room, turning in my paper and winking at Y/N as she walks back to her seat. The bell rings and we both grab our stuff. "READY TO BE DONE FOR A WHOLE FUCKING WEEK!!!???" I scream as we walk out of McGreggor's classroom.

"Language!" I hear a shout from behind me as Y/N and I share a wholehearted laugh.

"McGreggor is more uptight than you, Mrs. Wolfhard." Y/N recognizes the voice instantly.

"Y/F/N..." she mutters, "dumb bi-" I cut her off by slamming my lips into hers.

"Y/F/N can lay off." I say, pulling back. I earn a few confused looks from my classmates. I guess not everyone knew that Y/ N and I were dating, hah!

"Let's just go to our lockers, grab our bikes, and get out." Y/N whispers to me, swerving in between the hundreds of kids rushing to go home. I nod and we turn into a uncrowded hallway that has a "CAUTION WET FLOOR" sign. Y/N and I don't really care as we slide across the floor, pretending skate. It's a shortcut to our lockers, so why not utilize it?

Y/N and I arrive at our lockers and start pulling things out and putting things away. The banging of the notebooks and books as the hit the bottom of the metal lockers is music to my ears, it means FIN(N)ALLY break. We both slam our lockers at the same time. Y/N presses her head against hers before we walk back down the slick hallway we came from.

Outside of the school, Y/N and I mount our bikes, getting ready to ride off into a nice long deserved break. I smile to myself thinking of all the fun Y/N and just are going to have. We always have the greatest time together. That's when we hear it again. That same voice, piercing our good moods with a sharp spear. "Ohhhhhhhh Fiiiiiiiiiinnie!" Y/F/N exclaims as she approaches Y/N and I. She slings her arm around me and I push her arm off.

"Fuck off, ok?" I ask, starting to pedal.

"No, ok?" She says in reply. Y/N is fuming she drops her bike and stops over to Y/F/N, a sour expression of pure disgust on her face as she goes. "Well well well, if it isn't Mrs. Protective." Y/F/N sneers, poking Y/N's nose, which only makes her more angered than she already is. "Are you just upset that I've taken a liking to Finnie?" She asks, giggling and walking closer to Y/N, circling her.

"Don't call him that." Y/N states, spitting the words as if they are bile. She looks up to face Y/F/N. "Do you understand?" We are starting to draw a crowd as Y/F/N throws her head back in laughter. Y/N walks right up to Y/F/N and grabs the at of her shirt, holding her still. She looks shocked. "I said, do you understand?" Y/N asks again.

"You don't scare me one bit. All you've ever been is a sorry ass attention seeking little bitch." Y/F/N spits. Y/N's face slowly shifts from anger to pure hatred.

"Don't you call me that." She says, one of her hands balling into a fist as the other one holds Y/F/N's shirt collar. "Do you even have fucking ears!?" She exclaims, shaking the collar of Y/F/N's shirt slightly. The crowd has grown bigger and bigger. I just keep scanning the faces in the crowd. I spot a few somewhat familiar ones, but I have to look right back at Y/N. I can't let her get hurt. She can get angry, and when she gets angry you don't want to be the one she is angry at. Y/F/N is setting herself up for a MAJOR butt whooping that is well deserved and needed.

"Ohhhhh and why should I listen to you? Is your little boyfriend going to do something about it?" Y/F/N taunts, sticking out her bottom lip and mock pouting. 

"Don't you go any further." I say, slowly getting off my bike. "This can go one of two ways, peaceful or not." I continue, walking towards Y/F/N who is still in Y/N's clutches. "The first step is for you to apologize to me and Y/N." I continue speaking softly, slowly, and confidently. Y/F/N rolls her eyes at me.

"I'm sorry Frogface and Asshole." She says, her voice drips with sarcasm. I find my hand traveling to my pocket. I pull out my pocket knife. Y/F/N laughs. "And you are going to use that? Hah!" Y/N tightens her grip on Y/F/N's shirt as I walk ever closer.

"I said this could go one of two ways," I begin, stroking the blade slowly, "and I meant it."

Don't Listen to Them - Finn Wolfhard x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now