Chapter 2 - New Arrival

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Quick A/N -



L/N = Y/L/N

Y/N's POV -

It's an ordinary day, I wake up on time, eat a great breakfast of (favorite breakfast food), and I'm walking to school. (It's only a few minutes away.) I get inside the school and walk to my locker with the usual whispers from the populars. I go to my locker and unlock it. I grab my usual binders for the day when a teacher approaches me. Mr. Jonas. Oh great, my least favorite teacher in the whole world is approaching me and he is being trailed by a tall boy with curly hair. "Hello, Mrs. y/l/n." Mr. Jonas says with a large smile across his face. The boy that was trailing behind him catches up. I observe that he has a piece of paper in his hand that resembles the schedules we normally get on the first day of school. He seems flustered.

"Hello Mr. Jonas." I say, trying to hide my displeasure of having to talk to him.

"I was wondering if you could show our new arrival here around to his classes today?" Mr. Jonas says. I stare at him and I must look confused, so he elaborates. "His name is Finn, Finn Wolfhard and you guys have the same schedule." Mr. Jonas elaborates. "Good luck, y/n." He walks away leaving me with Finn, Finn Wolfhard.

"Err, Hi." I say looking at Finn awkwardly as I shove binders in my bag.

"Hi. I didn't catch you name?" Finn says, leaning on the locker next to mine, looking slightly relieved to be away from Mr. Jonas.

"I'm y/n. y/n l/n." I say, offering my hand for Finn to shake. He gives a firm handshake back and stares into my eyes. Could he... not do that? His eye contact makes my face flush red and I quickly withdraw my hand and wipe it on my shirt. "Our first class is Advanced English, but it doesn't start for another 15 minutes." I say looking at the clock.

"Ok. What should we do in the meantime?" Finn asks, cocking his head to one side. He looks like a puppy, a really cute puppy with amazing curly hair and captivating brown eyes... NO

"Uhm..." I think for a second, "I just sit in front of my locker until it's time to go to English and you're welcome to hang with me if you'd like." I just made an offer that would be so easy for him to refuse. He is THE Finn Wolfhard and he could probably make friends with any of the populars he wanted to at this school.

"S-sure," Finn stutters, "that sounds great." He smiles at me, it's a goofy looking grin that makes me blush like mad. Why can I not just hide my emotions like I always do? I sit down in front of my locker and pull out my phone. "Are we allowed to have our phones out in this school?" Finn says, slightly louder than I would have liked.

"Shhhhh!" I say, placing my index finger over his lips. Oh my goodness, his lips are so soft. "We technically aren't supposed to have them out, but they don't really care that much." I finish, turning on my phone. The lock screen is a picture of Finn. I try to unlock it quickly, but Finn still notices it.

"Who's that handsome lad I see there?" Finn says jokingly. It makes me blush insanely. "It's fine." He says pulling out his own phone and opening Instagram. We just sit there playing on our phones for a little bit until Finn asks the killer of questions, "Why aren't you hanging out with your friends?" God no.

"I..." Suddenly I forget exactly why I haven't made an effort to make more friends, but then I remember, "I don't hang out with my friends anymore. They were all super two-faced and didn't actually give a crap about me in the end. They were to easy to turn on me, even though I was always there for them." Finn's expression changes from interest to concern.

"I can be your new friend... I won't be two-faced and clearly I don't have any friends either." Finn says rambling slightly. Is that pink I see creeping onto his cheeks?

"That would be nice. I need someone to hang out with." I say smiling as the bell rings. "Follow me." I say.

Finn's POV -

Y/n seems pretty cool. She seems to know how to work around the rules in school even if she kind of comes off as a goody-two-shoes. She's also pretty cute. It stinks that she doesn't have any friends to support her, but that means I can be that friend. I haven't really told her that I'm not exactly the best kid for her reputation, and let's just say I'm not exactly peachy keen on telling her that I'll probably get her into some sort of crap by the end of the week. Right now I'm just focusing on paying attention to my English teacher, Mrs. Avery. I don't know what it is about this teacher, but she has a different aura almost. She seems more like a kid than an adult and has pretty lax classroom rules. Y/n seems to hate it. She's super tense and is looking around, only catching eye contact with someone for a second before moving on. I realize that I'm staring at her, but a bit to late. "Mr. Wolfhard!" Mrs. Avery calls. "Seems as if you are more interested in y/n than getting your essay done." She winks at me. I look back at my essay and I can feel y/n staring at me.

"Finn?" She asks, her voice is a barely audible whisper. "Were you staring at me?" I look up and make eye contact at her. My face is super red and a weak smile spreads across my face. Y/n cracks up. "Finn you're hilarious."

"Mrs. y/l/n," Mrs. Avery says, "Don't tell me Mr. Wolfhard is posing a distraction to you now." Y/n's face burns red like a fire truck. She's so cute when she's embarrassed, but she is cute all the time.

"No, he doesn't pose a problem." Y/n says, going back to writing her essay. I smile to myself and look over at her. She looks back at me and we both crack a smile. I don't think that moving was so bad this time around.

A/N - IF YOU READ THIS YOU AUTOMATICALLY HAVE GAINED 300 COOL POINTS - This is a 1000+ word chapter not including this A/N (not by much, but it still is) - I hope that you're enjoying how things are starting to play out for you and Finn ;) - I kind of hate my own book, but that's because it's mine so all I see are the flaws in it :P - If you feelin frisky why not comment? I'd like some feedback. - :3 :P :T - Hopefully I can update again soon :)

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