Q's For You To Get To Know Me

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1. No. I used to because when I was three, I thought it would be funny to stick my head down a cat door... let's just say the cat wasn't as amused. I had some claw-mark scars across my cheek, but we got rid of them.

2. Who do I like? Honestly, not really anyone.

3. It's complicated.

4. Neither. I don't drink caffeinated or carbonated drinks of any kind.

5. Hmmm... hate is a bit of a strong word, but I do dislike the populars at my school and some others...

6. I got some.

7. Teacher/Author. Teach during the school year and write during breaks and during the summer.

8. I believe. I don't really know.

9. Eh... give or take today

10. Mint green and any shade of blue

11. 5' 1" or 5' 2"

12. July 21st

13. Green, but I have a brown ring around my pupil and a darker green ring around the outside of my iris.

14. Brown, but it has lighter brown highlights and some darker brown... lol I'm to detailed/complex

15. I love my cats, my family, my community, my blessings, my friends, Finn Wolfhard, and most things honestly.

16. Obsession? Idk. Probably doing random sketches and doodles and buying Converse lol

17. Probably to meet Finn Wolfhard and build a friendship with him? Kinda selfish.

Another idea would be to just wish for the world to be at ease. :)

18. Do I? Of course! I love my family and my friends. I also love my cats.

19. Hug. Team hug. #Hugsquad Hugs all the way. (Mostly because I've never really been kissed other than family...)

20. Nicknames? Kyle, Pineapple, Kitten, Ky, and Kykie are the main ones.

I know this probably isn't the update you were hoping for, but I just realized how little you people know about me, so here! These are just a few Q's answered from my IRL updates story, which I would recommend also checking out if you'd like to see some cringe-tastic life.

I'm working on the next chapter! Don't kill me!


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