Chapter 3 - Finn, What Did You Do?

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Quick A/N - I don't think Finn Wolfhard is a bad kid, I'm just making him have a little bit of a rebellious streak so I can thicken the plot a bit and make you guys some enemies. ;)

Finn's POV -

Gym is officially the worst class in the world. There is this kid named Jared and he's the most vile imbecile to walk the earth. (A/N - That insult is spot on and should definitely be used.) I can't believe that snot shoved me down the stairs. I'm currently at the nurse's office on the first day of school with a bloody nose because Jared though it would be funny to shove me down the stairs. So much for making friends. They chose a really quiet kid to walk me down to the nurse and now we are sitting on the bench outside of the office in silence. "Hey dude, what's your name?" I extend the olive branch. The kid looks up from his hands.

"I'm Jeremy." He replies before looking back at his hands. Jeremy didn't make eye contact with me when he looked up. "Aren't you the kid who plays Mike in Stranger Things?" Come on Jeremy! He is still looking at his hands, at least he's pretty chill.

"Yea, I play Mike in Stranger Things." I say, right as blood gushes from my nose again. "You have to be kidding me!" I exclaim, stuffing the tissue back up against my nose.

"The nurse isn't even here right now." Jeremy says, heaving a heavy sigh. "Our gym teacher isn't the sharpest tool in the shed." He gets up to grab me some more tissues.

"Thanks, Jeremy." I say, accepting the clean tissues and discarding the blood-soaked ones. Jeremy gags.

"I'm not the biggest fan of... blood." Jeremy says turning away as I cover up my nose. He gets up an squirts a large amount of hand-sanitizer on his hands. The guy seems like a slight germaphobe. Germy Jeremy. Now I get why Jared was calling him that.

"I mean you kind of get used to it if you see enough fake blood." I say. The blood hasn't phased me for a while, but I can understand why people get weak-stomached at the sight of blood. Just as I was thinking about how I was no longer phased by blood, a woman wearing scrubs walked in. The nurse I assumed. She unlocked her office and motioned for Jeremy and I to come in.

"Who's got the proble- OH!" She exclaims, putting on her glasses and ushering me into the bathroom in her room. "What is your name sweety?" She asks as I wash off my nose and hands.

"Finn, Finn Wolfhard." I say back, drying off my hands. The bleeding had stopped.

"Mr. Wolfhard, seems as if you have had a mild nose bleed. You should be ok, but you should take an ibuprofen for your light-headedness after loosing all that blood." The nurse says, pulling out an ibuprofen and handing it to me. She writes me a note as I take the ibuprofen and sends me out the door. "If it starts bleeding again or if you feel light-headed come back!" She exclaims, waving to me as I walk away with Jeremy.

"I can't stand the nurse." Jeremy says as we walk back to gym. She didn't seem that bad, but I didn't really feel like talking about it. I was thinking about how I was going to get back at Jared. Jeremy and I returned to gym and I handed my note to the gym teacher. He nodded and we jumped back into the game. After gym I'm supposed to meet up with y/n at a nearby water fountain that we plan on meeting at everyday. The bell rings and I grab my bag. I want to find Jeremy to ask him where I can find that water fountain just to be sure, but I can't find him. I'll just have to wing it based on what y/n told me this morning. I walk down the halls, hands in my pockets, and keeping my eye out for y/n. I eventually spot her, but she's not alone. Jared is there as well. Jared has her pinned up against the wall and I can hear him spitting insults at her. I quicken my pace until I'm running. He slaps y/n right across the face.

"HANDS OFF BUD!" I say shoving Jared off and pulling y/n behind me. I hear her whisper a small "thanks" but I don't have any time to say anything back. Before I know it Jared punched me. Y/n yelled at him to stop, but I hit him back, hard. He whimpered a bit. My nose was bleeding again. Great. He tries to hit me back but I dodge and kick him in the crotch. He might be bigger, but I'm faster. I see a teacher approaching. Oh no...

"WOLFHARD! L/N! SMITH! MY OFFICE NOW!" The principal yells. Oh no.

"Finn, are you... ok?" Y/n asks me as we walk behind the principal. Her eyes are full of concern. I feel bad for her, she's about to be in deep crap.

"I'm fine, y/n. Are you ok?" I ask her, placing my hand on her arm sympathetically.

"Yes." She says looking at the ground. I wrap my arm around her shoulders, taking a leap of faith. "Thanks for defending me back there." Y/n continues, pulling herself closer to me. I really am starting to like her.

Y/N's POV -

I can't believe that Finn stood up to the boy that has been bullying me since day one. Jared and I have some history, and none of it is good. We have never gotten along, but he has started physically confronting me this year. Normally just a slap to the face, but I've taken a few harder blows and gotten a few black eyes. I'm glad that Finn stood up to him, now Jared knows I've got someone to back me up. I still am amazed that his arm is around me. We reach the principals office and I know this is going to be a long day.

"Mrs. L/N, I am aware you took a blow in this fight?" The principal, Mr. Prince asks me. I just realized how noticeable the slap mark is on my face. A red hand print.

"Yes, Jared slapped me before Finn even got involved." I say. It doesn't really bother me to talk about Jared hitting me.

"Ok. When did Finn get involved and why?" Mr. Prince asked.

"Finn got involved to protect me from getting hurt any further. Jared threw the first punch at Finn, and Finn gave the final blow to Jared by kicking him in the crotch." I crack a small smile thinking about how much pain Jared finally felt.

"You realize that you and Finn both still have to have detention after school, right Mrs. L/N?" Mr. Prince, always having to give the catch.

"Yes, I'm aware." I reply, looking at Finn who has also cracked a smile. "We'll be here to serve our detention after school today." Finn winks at me and Mr. Prince nods. He dismisses us and starts to deal with Jared.

"Smooth y/n." Finn says, grabbing my hand. His hands are so much bigger than mine and I feel safe. I turn red and he laughs. "You can chill now, y/n. We are cool." He squeezes my hand.

"I'm very chill." I say trying to keep a straight face, but then failing because Finn was making the most hilarious faces at me. "Stop!" I say, jokingly hitting his arm.

"I'm not afraid to defend you again, y/n." Finn says, stopping me from walking on. "Even if it gets me a nice detention." I smile at him.

"I wouldn't hesitate to defend you either." The bell rings. "FINN WE ARE LATE TO GEOMETRY!" I yell and we take off running. I am really starting to like him.

A/N - Thanks for reading! - Once again, feelin frisky? Why not comment! - If you are enjoying, be sure to let me know dowwwwwwn belowwwwww! - Until next time, POINTLESSS___PASTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA OUT! ✌️PEACE!✌️


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