Chapter 4 - Detention

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A/N - You thought I would skip detention... HAH ;)

Finn's POV -

This was Y/n's first detention and I could tell. She just sat awkwardly in her chair next to me. "Don't worry Y/n, you can talk." The teacher said, seeing her looking on edge. Y/n let out a sigh of relief and looked at me. I smiled at her and she smiled back. She truly is beautiful. Wait? What!

"Finn, I've never been in detention before and I honestly don't know what to do. My mom is going to kill me and I don't have any homework to do so what am I suppos-" I cut her off by placing my finger on her lips. She was speaking a mile a minute and growing redder every second.

"Shhh, calm down." I said reassuring her by taking her hand in mine. She looked at our joined hands as the teacher left to go run some errands. I couldn't help but want to kiss Y/n. I didn't know what to do.

"I really don't know what we are supposed to be doing if we don't have homework." Y/n said, looking me in the eyes. I couldn't help but melt a bit. It was time. I leaned in and Y/n seemed surprised. I looked at her, as if asking to continue. She smirked a bit and crashed her lips into mine. (A/N - I'm sorry I've never written about kissing nor have I ever kissed someone.) I didn't hesitate to kiss back. When we pulled apart it felt to soon. Y/n grinned at me and took my hand again.

"I think I like you, Finn Wolfhard." She said, looking at me again.

" I think I like you too, Y/N L/N." I said, kissing her again.

A/N - Sorry this was really short and just in Finn's POV, but I really am pressed for time due to being at SCHOOL. :/ - Anyways, hope you enjoyed! - The pace is steadily growing :3 - Let's go boyos!!!

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