03| P R E T E N D

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"Are you alright? You seem distracted," Liam asks me as I attempt to read my lines. I can't focus like I normally can and I am assuming its due to last nights argument or lack thereof. Harry didn't have much to say to me and here again, nothing was resolved or talked over.

I didn't like having problems that piled up under all our countless rugs. I was tired of not fixing these impending issues and truthfully it was using up all my energy and focus, to be able to move on I needed to fix things, resolve things, not just pretend like they aren't there.

"Everything is good," I shake my head hoping that that was enough for Liam to get off my back. Although even though this was my hope I knew he wouldn't drop something just like that. He would bug me until I told him what was on my mind.

"Elle you can't lie to me, I see right through your transparent soul," Liam darts his eyes over to me while I furrow my brows and scoff at the whole transparent soul part. I knew he was kidding but I wasn't finding anything really funny. I wasn't in the mood for childish jokes and playful antics, I was too caught up in my head to make light fun. Scoffing at his comment I turn my shoulders towards the window where Liam immediately pulls over.

"Liam we don't have time for this, I don't want to be late," I roll my eyes giving Liam attitude with my body language. My eyes dart over to him while he gives me a stern expression.

"We aren't going anywhere until you tell me what is going on," Liam folds his arms after putting the car into park. I groan and sink into the soft black leather seats, crossing my arms over my chest like a little kid pouting because she didn't get what she wanted.

"It's nothing I promise," I say but I am unsure if I do this to convince Liam or myself. Even though I know I'm not making progress on either of us.

"I am prepared to sit here all day if I need to, even though it would be really cool if you got auditioned for this project," Liam entices me just as I look at my feet and try to ignore anything he has to say. I didn't want to talk about any of this but Liam was serious when he said he would sit here all day.

I knew that he was only trying to help me but I didn't want to talk about my marital issues with him. Even though Liam and I were close friends he was also my manager and I felt like because if that some topics were off limits despite our friendship.

I knew that this was going to affect my audition in some way since I was beyond bothered about my situation with Harry but I had told myself I needed to brush it under the rug, much like what Harry does.

"Liam it's really not worth getting into," I attempt once again bitting the inside of my cheeks as I think about that night I had picked Harry up from Philadelphia. So many things were raising red flags and it bothered me that Harry didn't trust me enough with whatever he was dealing with.

I knew going into my relationship with Harry that he was naturally a very closed off person but I didn't expect him to hide things from me. I thought we were finally on the same page when we got married but it looks like we still have ways to go before he can fully trust me even though I have shown him more reasons than one to trust me. I was his wife for god's sake.

"Elle I think you forget that I know you and when somethings bothering you, you don't perform as well. You know it as well as I do," Liam serves me the cold hard truth as I scoff and roll my eyes again finally shaking my head and sitting up.

"Look, its just stuff between Harry and I. We are just struggling a little with some things," The words are bitter on my tongue admitting this out loud to someone else besides myself.

"Is this two nights ago when you couldn't get ahold of him?" Liam almost hits the nose on his guesses and yes it has something to do with that and it stems slightly from that but Harry and I have more then that under our belt.

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