04| B O D Y T A L K*

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I feel soft lips on my cheek as my eyes slowly flutter open. I rub the sleepiness from my eyes and come face to face with a pair of jade eyes. I contorted my facial expression as Harry comes back down and kisses my jawline. Goosebumps ride up my spine feeling his lips on me, something I hadn't felt in awhile.

"What are you doing?" I ask Harry looking around to see the thick snow coating the window of the guest bedroom I had again fallen asleep in. The warmth of his body radiated off of him to heat me up.

"I love you," he tells me strangling me, I place my palm in the middle of his chest when I notice in the dripping moonlight of the room; Harry's blonde hair was gone.

Those golden threads were stained to a dark brown from what I could pick up in the silver moonlight. I hadn't ever seen Harry with his natural brunette coloring, he told me he didn't like it. He preferred himself a blonde beauty. I take one of his curls into my hands I feel the soft brown curl unravel in my hands.

"You dyed your hair," I say him as he begins to breathe a little heavier despite the lack of activity going on. "Harry, are you okay?" I follow up.

"I want you," Harry says gruffly running a hand through my hair as he breaths heavily once again.

"We need to talk about things," I tell him in a whisper when I feel him kiss my jawline once again. My eyes flutter up to him as the green eyes almost glow in the dripping moonlight streaming through the window.

"Harry," I whisper again when he ignores me and continues to touch me.

"Let my body do the talking," he says with his green eyes tracing over me. Something had changed in his eyes like a certain light was set off.

"I really think we should talk about this before we do this, Harry-"

"We have everything under control," Harry tells me slipping his hand under my head and pulling it up slightly to press his lips to mine. I bring my arms up and claw my fingers through his thick curls.

"We? Under control? What are you talking about?" I breathe when he gives me a few second between our next kiss the gets a little rougher.

"I have it under control," Harry's breathing again is more erratic and heavy, his voice is deeper and darker. It contrasts with his usual gentle tone that I had immediately picked up on.

Harry tugs roughly at my oversized t-shirt I had stolen from Harry. He throws the shirt up over my head as I sit up and fiddle with unbuttoning his white button-down shirt. He tilts his chin up and slides his tongue into my mouth catching me off guard when I feel his hands run up my torso.

He roughly pulls down my little grey shorts to reveal my black lace panties. He licks his lips when he scans his eyes over my black laced covered body. I get his shirt and pants undone and feel him roughly push me back into the bed for him to strip me down. My head hits the pillow and he finishes throwing his pants off, going down on me within the next second.

His teeth nip at my skin before I feel his pulsing length enter. I lose my breath and curl my toes, my fingers grasp onto the sheets from the quick movements he's making. A moan escapes my lips as my body jolts from his rough and ever-quickening movements.

He nails my wrists down next to my head to keep me still while he violently thrusts into me. He pants and huskily growls as I groan out sweating by the overwhelming feeling. I ball my hands into fists as Harry again picks up his speed which I didn't think was at all possible.

"God," I cry out as Harry rests his head in the crook of my neck erratically breathing while I pant and stare up at the ceiling.

Something had ignited in Harry and I didn't know or understand what it was but we had gone from zero to one hundred in a matter of minutes.

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