05| C H O K E

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My eyes peel open when I hear a loud bang in the distance. I groan I sigh out mumbling incoherently as I run my hands through my tangled sex hair. Blinking a few times I look at the floor and see all the evidence from the wake of last night. My body develops a dull soreness that settles over the bottom half of me while I lay in the ruffled sheets.

It still hadn't dawned on me that Harry had been so rough with me last night, or furthermore that he had had sex with me in the first place. Everything about last night was not expected in the least and completely out of nowhere which was strange for Harry. He was always somewhat calculated and had a plan for everything, he wasn't the spontaneous type especially when it came to sex.

Harry had a really hard time being intimate and because of that we had only had sex maybe six times in the course of our marriage. I was as patience with him as I could be when it came to that aspect because I knew how intimacy was a hard topic for him. Harry was also sweet and gentle whenever we were close which was a complete 360 from the rough and borderline violent tendencies of last night.

I actually didn't mind it though, I may have even loved it. Every second of it brought pure pleasure that was indescribable and at times incomprehensible.

I pad my way downstairs after I throw on my oversized t-shirt, I didn't have the energy to slip on anything else. It fit like a dress and even if Harry did happen to get a peek at my bare ass it's not like I really cared, he was my husband.

"Harry?" I say in a groggy voice coming down the stairs and into the kitchen where I see Harry cooking with his bare ass exposed. "What are- what are you doing?" I asked furrowing my brow at his choice of clothing or lack thereof.

"Ah exactly what it looks like, I'm cooking eggs," Harry answers in a more raspy deeper voice. The same tone that had accompanied him last night, a tone that didn't belong to him normally. The sizzling of the pan creates the aroma of the classic breakfast food as I come closer and look into the pan to see two sunny side up eggs.

"You can't cook if your life depended on it! Where the hell did you learn to cook a sunny side up egg? You struggle to not burn your toast half the time," I said boosting myself up on the counter next to the stove. The cold granite touches my ass and a cold touch runs down my legs, although I'm not bothered since everything was sore from my waist down.

"Damn you talk a lot," Harry counters flipping his eggs perfectly, hitting the pan the eggs continue to sizzle and crackle in the skillet. "I never fully saw what he saw in you,"

"Excuse me?" I drop my jaw and grip my hands on the edge of the granite counter top. Harry's sharp green eyes dart over to me and a devilish smirk wipes over his lips.

"I mean I'm not going to deny that pretty face and tight ass but why settle when you can have a different girl every night?" Harry arches a brow at me not waiting for a response that boils in my throat. If this were a cartoon steam would be spiraling out of my head from the sheer anger tensing up my muscles.

"You aren't serious, are you? If this is some joke it's not funny," I grit my teeth and dart my eyes to his emerald green eyes that shade over with a darkness that I had become unfamiliar with.

"A joke would imply that I'm trying to make you laugh kitten, and trust me if I were joking you would be laughing right now," Harry tilts his head to the side and hooks his hand under my jaw forcing it down to meet his eyes. I keep still and after a few seconds of heated staring, he releases the pressure from my jaw to tend to his eggs.

I watch in silence as he raids the alcohol cabinet where we keep all our assortments of various alcoholic beverages. He thumbs through a few bottles and settles on a whiskey that he pulls into his hand. I watch him pour a bunch into a cup of milk before he takes a swig of it and licks his lips.

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