07| C R I M S O N*

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"Harry!" I hear a feminine voice speak, H had blocked me from seeing who was outside the door so it was up to my listening skills to figure out who it is. Looking at the opened door that masked the guest from seeing me I automatically picked up on who had been at the door.

Her voice was unmistakable.

Elizabeth Jones or otherwise known as the neighborhoods nosy neighbor, the same woman who I had caught glances with before H had brutally choked me out. I never thought I would ever crave her attention as much as I was right now, I wasn't going to scream or cause a ruckus because I wasn't sure of what H was capable of. I didn't want him to hurt a fragile and helpless woman like Elizabeth.

I concentrate more on freeing my hands as Elizabeth has a casual conversation with H, jamming my finger together I finally get the rope loose enough to begin to slid my hand through with intensified effort.

"So was there anything I could do for you..." H asks Elizabeth who is blabbing on about who knows what. H doesn't know her name and waits for an introduction he will never receive.

"Oh, yes the whole reason I came over here, is Chanel around?" Elizabeth asks sweetly in a girly accent. I roll my eyes but perk up to the mention of my name, maybe this was about this morning when we made eye contact.

"She is a little... tied up at the moment," I could already see the smile on his face that made me nauseated just at the image of it. I knew from the literal meaning of what he said he would be quite proud of himself.

"Oh, well I will just ask you then. I was wondering if you and Elle would join John and I for dinner tonight! I know you two have been so busy recently with work and we would love to have you two over!" Elizabeth offers in a bright tone that was sickening with how happy she sounded. Don't get me wrong Elizabeth was sweet but don't mistake her sweetness for weakness, she had dirt on every single one of the people in our neighborhood. It was her talent to befriend other and learn their secrets.

"We would love to!" H responds back as I slip one of my hands free. I strain my muscles until I lean low enough to grab the knife by my feet. "We've got the champagne,"

"Perfect! Why don't you head over at six o'clock?" Elizabeth suggests while I free my other hand that was still restrained behind my back.

"Will do!" H responds after a series of happy squeals erupting from the overly excited Elizabeth. I grunt with anticipation as I go to work freeing my feet, conducting friction with the knife against the rope until I am able to set myself free.

I stand up as soon as H shuts the door. The knife is tightly fastened in my grip when his eyes land on me. I glance out the window and catch Elizabeth giving an insure expression towards our house when she walks away. All the blinds had been drawn but minimal vision is given through the slits of the shutters.

"What's with the Wonder Woman stance?" H crosses his arms over his chest while he gives me a condescending expression. "Are you gearing up for battle or?"

"Let me talk to Harry," I demand clutching the knife in my hand until my knuckles flush white. Multiple lumps form in my throat while my stomach twists at the thought of the potential violence that could occur.

I couldn't hurt him, I wasn't physically capable of doing so but he didn't know that.

"I told you this before kitten, things don't work that way. I've waited way to long to be let out. I'm not going to just give up my power with the snap of your finger," H runs a hand through his thick chocolate curls with a dark chuckle. He slowly makes his way over to me causing me to raise the knife I had in my hand for protection.

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