25| T H E R I N G

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It was oddly funny how life imitates art.

As I recite line upon line of this script I can only see how much I relate to these characters. The story in which two people beg to make a relationship work through the rough road they call life. Sometimes I felt like I didn't even have to act because I was just being myself.

"Damn Styles, you really made me emotional back there," Louis tells me as we walk off set. This movie was at its tail end and I was going to miss the distraction.

"Did I tug at your heart string a little?" I smile nudging Louis who smiles back at me and shakes my head.

"Don't give yourself too much credit, it's my job to act," Louis smirks coming up to our designated dressing rooms.

"Or maybe you aren't as cold hearted as you thought! I'm glad I could bring out that realization for you," I giggle opening up the door to my dressing room. Walking in I quickly shut the door behind me and begin to slip off my baggy top from the last scene.

"Woe hey!" I'm startled and jump when I notice someone else in my room with me. I wasn't expecting someone to be in here waiting for me.

"Damn it!" My arms rest on my chest out of pure reaction. "Niall, what are you doing in here?" I ask my director who blushes furiously after knowing he had startled me.

"I just needed a word," Niall tells me shifting his weight from side to side uncomfortably. Something is bothering him.

"What couldn't wait until I got undressed?" I asked him taking a seat on one of the stools set up next to the mirror. I lean back in the chair and cross my legs, my hair falls over my chest as I await the conversation.

"I don't know how to say this without coming off as a complete asshole," Niall starts, he is visibly stressed over what he has to say. Niall was a nice guy and never wanted to make anyone on set feel uncomfortable, he always tried to accommodate others.

"Niall I know you aren't an asshole. What is it?" My brows knit together from the interest I had on what he needed to tell me.

"The producers are concerned that you are gaining a little bit of weight, they told me I should come and talk to you about it. You know I would never want to bring something like this up-"

"Niall, I'm pregnant," I interrupt closing my eyes with my hands balled up by my sides. I wasn't upset with Niall in any way shape or form because I knew his intentions weren't malicious, and I also knew how this industry worked.

What made me upset was that it was now noticeable to the eye. Everyone knew I had a smaller frame and now being pregnant I saw there was no more hiding, I should have expected this to happen. I wasn't ready for everyone to know.

"Oh... congrats!" Niall says with a smile on his face, a smile that even though it was genuine it didn't erase his stress.

"I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner, I thought I could hide it but I guess that failed miserably," I scoff in a laughing manner as I pat my stomach looking down at the small bump.

"Don't be sorry! This is a celebratory time! We will just have to speed up the production and change the style of your character a little to accommodate and hide your little bump," Niall tells me confident that I can still be part of the cast. We were already halfway through then movie anyways.

This meant longer days and a fast-paced life until the movie was wrapped up. This didn't make me feel any certain way if anything it would give me a distraction from my life at home. Since H had returned things had gone back to the way they once were before the accident.

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