16| S C R E A M

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I wake up and feel a pair of arms wrapped tightly around my torso. I furrow my brow and crane my neck to see H passed out next to me, blowing puffs of air into my face. I look down around my stomach and see he has me in a tight grip that presses me up against his chest.

I nudge and push his arms to try and get him off of me but he keep a firm hold on me.

"Would you get off of me?!" I ask in a groggy morning voice after getting frustrated that I can't break his grip. I huff out and fold my arms across my chest like a two-year-old. "I mean it!"

"You weren't saying that last night," H mumbles into my ear and I can already see the smirk on his face.

"I didn't have too, I was already preoccupied in the bathroom with the toilet," I tell him rolling my eyes and groaning as I try to break free of him. For some reason it felt wrong that I was laying here with H, it felt like I was with an entirely different man.

"Charming aren't you?" H asks loosening his arms from around me letting me sit up and swing my legs over the bed. My hair falls into my face as I sigh and come to the reality I needed to get up and start the day. That also entailed coming up with another plan to get Harry back.

"Come back into bed, we can play doctor and patient, I'll be the doctor-" H pulls at my wrist and I fall back into the bed looking at his sly smile.

"No, never in a million years would I role play and have sex with you," I spit huffing before trying to sit back up. He beats me too it and pulls at my wrist once again until I fall back into the mattress.

"Don't be like that Kitten," I can hear a sudden shift in his tone and it's dark. My nerves reside against the surface of my skin when I felt the pull that was a little harsher then it needed to be.

"H, I already told you I won't do this with you," I stand my ground despite the fact I already am reeling the flashbacks in my mind.

"You don't have a choice in the matter," H yanks my arm but I can feel the adrenal pumping through my veins, I shake while my mind buzzes with possible escape routes.

I look down to see my elbow is close to his crotch and take full advantage of that. I elbow him in the crutch and feel him let go of my wrist instantly, he rolls over in pain while I run out of the door. Putting as much distance between us as possible I stumble down the stairs into the kitchen where I try to find something to protect myself with. I wasn't going to let what happened last time happen again.

"Looking for these?" H tosses a silver knife around in his hand as I back up against the kitchen counter upon hearing his malicious voice. A smile curls around his lips while his green eyes play on my emotions, I was his prey.

"You aren't going to hurt me," I tell H trying to swallow my fear even though that was impossible. I was beyond terrified and could see my life flashing before my eyes. I knew what H was capable of, he killed two people with the slide of his hand.

"You know I don't bluff Kitten," he licks his lips and I notice his eyes shade over into a shiny black overlay. This is what happened the last time, it signaled me that a switch had flipped inside of him. H was ready to unleash ultra violence on me and if I didn't run I would end up being just another number on his body count.

He walks around the counter keeping a dead stare on me while I slowly walk around the counter making sure to keep him across from me at all times.

"Harry won't let you hurt me H. I don't think you will even touch me all you do is threaten! But all you really are is a little boy full of empty threats!" I yell at him before making a mad dash towards the stairs. My breathing is erratic as I push my body to a whole new level, my life was at risk here.

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