13| P H Y S I C A L

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"I have work and things I have to do H, I can't sit and be at your beckon call all the time," I roll my eyes as I type away on my laptop. Since H had restricted me from leaving the house I had to reply to audition emails from Liam and all my other work stuff. I had to ask for extensions due to my accident with the neighbors. I had gotten the role for the Sundance film but due to H's strict rules, I had to email Liam as well as the director telling them I needed a week before I can come into work.

"Your my wife, of course, you can," H tells me shutting my laptop with a devilish smile while I roll my eyes and sigh heavily. I swear it was like trying to work with a child constantly interrupting you. "I say we do something a little more physical..." H trails taking a stand of my hair and twists it around his finger.

"I don't think so Olivia Newton-John, I will pass on that one," I say going to stand up before I am pushed back into the couch. "H!" I whine annoyed by his antics, I wasn't in the mood to deal with his childish behavior today. After the incident a few days ago with him playing games with me, I hadn't had very much patience when it came to him.

"Come on, this dick needs some attention!" H tells me using a pouty face hiccupping. This was a dead give away that he was drunk. It was only two in the afternoon and he was already drunk off his ass. Great.

"There is a tub of lotion and Kleenex in the linen closet, go knock yourself out," I tell him knowing for sure there is no way in hell I would have sex with him again.

I couldn't deny that he knew how to love me in bed but I would never admit that to him. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of him knowing he knew how I liked to be treated when it came to sex. I didn't need his ego boosted anymore than it already was.

"As tempting as that sounds I'm going to pass on that... unless you wanna role play! I will be the son and you can be the mom and you can walk in on me-"

"That's incest! I am not role playing a mother and son!" I cut him off before he can get any further into his explaination of how he hopes the script will go.

"You know what they say about incest," He says to me laying over my lap lazily flopping on on me. I flinch at his weight that slams down onto my lap and sigh again heavily.

"No I don't," I answer him waiting for his stupid joke to commence.

"Incest is the best!" He smirks playing around while trying to grab my boob which I quickly slap his hand away. "Ouch!" he says, the mood from here changes drastically however. H freezes and sits up handling me roughly as he grabs me by the wrists and yanks me up.

"H stop!" I tell him furrowing my brow to his sudden outburst of violence towards me.

"You don't ever hit me ever again, do you understand me?" He says darkly tigjtening his grip on me until my hand loses circulation. I look down at my hand to see it was flushed yellow from the lack of blood flow it was reciving.

"H you are hurting me! Stop it!" I say a little louder then before tracing his darkened facial expression. It's almost as if his green eyes were clouded over in a pitch black, my heart rate rises and I yank my arm but to no avail does his grip loosen.

"You will never ever disrespect me again! Do you understand?" He tells me in a stern husky voice that rattles me inside and out. I breathe frantically and try to pull away but that only causes him to tighten his hand.

"H! Stop!" I scream wincing in pain from how tight he is holding me, my hand feels numb and the skin on my wrist is irriated. "Let me go!" I try to stay strong but I can feel my tears boil in my eyes as soon as I sink to the ground. My arm still suspended in the air while I sat on my knees wincing in the pain H was inflicting on me.

"You've been a bad girl and you wanna know where bad girls go?" He asks me while I cry out and again try to fight him. My mind was conflicting in thoughts, one side of me told me to fight with every last breath but the other side told me to comply with anything H told me for my own safety.

"No," I reply shaking my head as tears fall from my cheeks. His nails dig into my skin and I scream in pain hoping he will relase me from his unbarably tight hold around my wrist.

"They come with me," H said in a thick dark accent before dragging me to the kitchen. I kick and scream as he pulls me effortlessly to the kitchen where he pulls me up by my arm until I met his black eyes that give me a sinister smile as he licks his lips.

He pushes me against the table harshly and begins to rip off my shirt, my chest moves up and down rapidly. Adrenaline spikes my bloodstream but I can't conjure up the stregth to fight him off as he tears my shorts off. They slip off and pool around my ankles as I scream feeling him lick between my breasts menacingly, he holds me and hoists me up on the table. Holding me down as he straddles me running his hands up and down my body.

"Don't do this! Please don't do this!" I scream sobbing as I lay naked on the kitchen table in nothing but a bra that I consider my protection. "Stop! Stop! Stop!" I sob fighting my break free under his intense hold on my body but nothing budges.

"You need to be taught a lesson in respect," he bites bitterly unclipping my bra leaving me completely exposed. I try to sit up but he only presses me down sharply against the table I am pinned to. I hyperventilate and find it hard to pull in enough oxygen to sustain me as my darkest fears become a reality.

"Harry! Harry please!" I scream Harry's name hoping he will hear me in there. I called out and with every last breath put faith towards him, he had to save me. He would never let this happen to me. "Harry don't let this happen!! Harry!"

I kick my legs but they are weak under H's weight that crushes me against the table. I squeeze my eyes shut just as H is about to go down on me, sealing my fate. I flinch and shut my eyes knowing that this was going to happen and I had tried my absolute best to prevent it. I fought, screamed, sobbed, tried to trigger Harry, but nothing had worked.

"Kitten?" I hear a playful voice, my eyes popping open as soon as I hear the lighter voice. My body visibly shakes under his as I open my eyes and look at his eyes that had returned to an emerald green.

I stay still but continue to shake uncontrollably as I cry from all the intense emotions I had just experienced. I swallow hard but stray my eyesight away from H from the fear and anxiety that had washed over me.

"What happened? Did you change your mind about the role play thing?" H laughs completely oblivious to what had just happened just seconds ago. I don't have the strength to talk so instead I shake and cry uncontrollably, my arms cross over my chest to hide my chest from H.

"Kitten?" He says a little softer after he sees the state I am in. It's the softest I had ever heard him speak. He dips down and pulls me into his chest, I lay in his chest he still straddles my waist. I cry into his bare chest and bask in the warmth of it, pretending in my head that I was with Harry.

"Oh my god," I cry grasping for air as I sob until I can barely breathe.

"Shhhhhh... shhhhhh..." H hushes me holding to tightly. This was I side I had never seen from H, the side that was protective and sweet. I close my eyes and let the tears leak down from my eyes and transfer onto H's chest.

I cling to H like he was my lifeline despite what he had planned to do to me just seconds ago. I should have run off, create as much distance as I could but I was frozen. Completely paralyzed. I listen to H's heartbeat and it's slow and steady, evenly knocking against his rib cage. I close my eyes and listen to the sound his heart makes trying to listen for Harry.

I knew Harry was in there somewhere and I was going to find him. I knew he had saved me and I was going to do the same for him. I didn't care how hard it would be, I was going to get him back.

N. Something snapped inside H and ooooh am I about to take you on a journey lol! The mystery is just beginning my friends! Any ideas on what triggered H?:)

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