29| C O N T R A C T

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His grip on my throat releases and I fall to the ground where I gasp for air. Coughing as I suck in the air my lungs are desperately seeking. My hands wrap around my stomach while my toes curl at a sharp pain that runs down my body.

"Oh god!" I scream scrunching up into a ball to try and neutralize the throbbing pain that surged through me like lightning.  "Oh fuck!"

"We need to get to the hospital! Now!" H says trying to pick me up.

"No! Stop! You are hurting me!" I scream in anger when he tried to pick me up. I hyperventilate and squeeze my eyes shut feeling another surging pain radiate further throughout my body.

"Chanel! We have to get you to a doctor!" H presses me and again tried to scoop me up into his arms but I kick him away and try to make it difficult for him to grab me.

"I'm not going to make it! I can't make it!" I yell letting sweat pour from my face as a nervous heat spreads like a fever. I try to deep breathe but nothing is relieving the pain I was feeling every five minutes or so. "The baby is coming,"

"Fuck alright, just lay down, I'm going to go grab you a pillow and some towels," H notes running around to fetch is needed supplies. In a few minutes, I was going to be a mother to a baby who will now be the victim of jailed parents. I wished I could keep them inside me a little longer because I knew that way I could keep them safe from the world of heartache that was ahead of them.

"I want Harry!" I scream slamming my head down against the floor as another contraction struck me. I sniffled and laid in pain hoping that this would all pass soon, for my own sanity that I had almost lost completely. I never knew how fragile your sanity really was after everything that had happened. It was a slow and steady decline, something that kept chipping away with each event. "Fuck where is Harry?" I scream in agony as soon as H comes back to my aid.

"Okay, I am going to need you to push kitten!" H spreads open my legs after he lays down a towel from underneath me.

"I can't!" I scream feeling as though I will blow out my vocal chords from the grit and harshness in my voice. "I really can't!"

"Yes, you can Chanel, breathe with me okay? Ready, take a deep breath in and let it out slowly," H instructs keeping my legs spread apart promptly since I tended to close them from the impending pains that awaited me.

I breathe with H and follow his instructions in order to calm myself down from the crippling pain and fear I was experiencing. This wasn't supposed to happen like this, I wasn't due for another week yet here we were.

"Okay, are you ready to push?" H asks me as I shiver from the pain that served as a warning sign to what was about to come next.

"It hurts!" I scream a blood-curdling scream when it strikes me and I push with all the effort I had inside me. I would give anything for it all to stop. I wished H had choked me completely out, I wanted him to off me after feeling what I was. This was worse than death.

"Chanel I see the head, you are so close! Come on kitten just a few more pushes! You got this!" H takes ahold of my hand and I squeeze it for stress relief and comfort.

"I just want to die, why didn't you kill me when you had the chance?" I ask him crying tilting my head back when I again feel the warning wave of nauseating pain.

"I could never kill you, Chanel, you are the light to my darkness. No matter how hard things get I will always love you. I'll love your forever," He tells me just as I scream and push one last time before exhaustion settles over me. I hit the floor and stare up at the ceiling blankly waiting for the pain to be eradicated, waiting for the sweet release I begged for. I prayed to God and pleaded for him to take away the pain, for him to take me away.

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