24| P R O O F

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"Harry?" I whisper with my eyes half peeled. Sheets and blankets rustle next to me in our bed as I lay next to him.

We finally got discharged from the hospital which I was grateful for, I missed the luxury of sleeping in my own bedroom. Jackie always treats me great but there was something about being in your own space that gave me comfort.

"Go away!" Harry whimpers tossing and turning right before he jolts up.

"Hey, Harry," I coo opening up my eyes from him thrashing around. Eyes full of fear wildly look around for some source of a comfort while he shakes in his rattling bones.

"Get out of my head!" Harry yells panting while I try to hold him steady. I take him by the shoulders and embrace him to stop the rapid shaking to the best of my ability.

"It's okay, shhh, it's okay Harry," I try to tell him in his ear while heat rises against his skin. I can feel a moisture coat his skin while I hold him tightly feeling tears well up into my eyes while he screams and pleads with himself.

"Stop! Please don't take me away! PLEASE!" He screams thrashing making it hard to hold onto him. I don't want him hurting himself so I wrap myself around him like a rope, restricting him from inflicting harm to himself.

"Harry..." I whimper closing my eyes as I feel him stop his seizures and rapid movements that make it hard to hold tight. His body stops along with his screams, I'm left with a silence that slices my ears open.

"Oh, how the tables have turned," I hear a deep laugh as my arms loosen and fall by my sides. Defeat sags my bones when I hear the familiar language in which he talks.

"Long time no see Kitten," He chuckles as my eyes move up slowly to see the changes face of Harry. A smirk wiping over his face in a mischievous haze that encapsulates me.

"Fuck you," I roll my eyes moving away from him. I swing my legs off the bed and sit in the edge to gather myself from Harry's terror I had just witnessed. I hadn't ever seen him like that, begging and pleading in such a helpless way.

"Wow I didn't think I would get such a warm welcome, don't lose that thought lemme rally the Trojan horses," H jokes rustling the sheets as I sigh out and wipe away my tears. I didn't want him to see me crying, I couldn't let him see my vulnerable side.

"I thought I would at least get a pity laugh, it's a tough crowd tonight I guess," H continues to joke as I finally turn around and take in those dimples carved into his cheeks. Did I tell him? Did he already know?

"I'm really not in the mood for your "comedy" act tonight," I debate on whether or not I should go sleep in the guest room.

"We could just cut to the part where we fuck," H shrugs with the same smirk etched into his lips. I shake my head and lay down facing away from him, I look out the window and watch the snow gently fall onto the icy ground outside.

"We aren't fucking damn it! You've already done enough in that department," I turn over and scowl at H who seems to be clueless on what I said. Damn it. I hope he wasn't going to ask me follow ups on what I meant by that.

"That was oddly cryptic," H catches on and I sigh out sitting back up knowing that I wasn't going to get out of this. I didn't see any other way of lying my way out of it.

"Forget it,"

"Uh oh, it looks like I caught the cat in a trap," the way he thinks he is smarter then me drives me up the wall. After being with Harry I forgot how intolerable H could really be. "Tell me, Kitten, what did you mean by I've done enough in that department?"

"It doesn't matter, forget I said anything," I tell him hoping that maybe I can derail the conversation altogether.

"If it doesn't matter then how come you are getting so hot and bothered?"

"I'm not, you are just annoying me and I'm tired. You kinda woke me up and ruined my night," I divert knowing that he wasn't going to let this go. I knew eventually I was going to have to tell him or that he was going to see for himself but for some reason, it was hard to say out loud. I didn't want to tell him because I had no clue what his reaction would be.

"I'm flattered I get you so flustered but you aren't as good at diverting the conversation. So let's save all the back and forth yeah?" I gulp and sigh feeling an intense heartburn rise like a hot air balloon in my chest.

"I Ummm..." I know what I need to say but I can't say it. I can't say those two words that would explain everything. There would be no need for any further explanation with these two words.

"Oh god I.." I take a deep breath and push my hair back and away from my face looking into his eyes as I begin to say those two little words. "I'm pregnant,"

"You what?" His eyes dilated under the dark snowy night. I can tell he's trying not to act shocked but I can see through his act.

"You heard me," I state not wanting to repeat myself again. It was already hard enough as it is to say it the first time.

"Listen, Kitten, I know you can be quiet the comedian but nows not the time-"

"I'm not joking, unlike you, I don't parade everything as some joke," I cut him off seeing his facial features become slightly more serious.

"I don't believe you," he tells me.

"Fine, then don't believe me but just ask yourself this, why would I lie about something like that?" I pose a question to him and slide back under the covers. I was done trying to prove myself to H and I didn't feel like I was required to.

"Prove me wrong," H says to me still sitting up facing me. The silhouette of the snow outside runs down his body while I scoff and shake my head at him.

"I don't need to prove myself to you," I say closing my eyes to try and forget about his entire reaction. I was disappointed but what else did I really expect from him? I shouldn't have had high expectations for him yet for some reason after we became close I expected more from him.

"You are going to give up a chance to prove me wrong? Wow! Maybe I didn't know you as much as I thought I did," I swear he gets on my last nerve. He knows exactly how to push my buttons.

"You want proof? Here it is!" I sit up careful of my ribs pulling up my oversized shirt I had stolen from Harry's closet. Unveiling a little prominent bump I breathe heavily and look down at myself then back at H.

"What! No way!" H echos keeping his concentrated eyes on my stomach that was growing every single day.

"Think I'm lying now?" I ask letting go of the fabric of the shirt letting it fall over my stomach again.

"You're having my baby," He says with a giant smirk on his face. His face tells me he owns me but that can't be further from the truth.

"No, this is Harry's baby. You don't have or own anything," I set him straight hoping to wipe off that smirk.

"We both know that's not a product of Harry. That's our love child," H chuckles coming closer to me, he takes my hand into his and a weird surge runs up my spine.

"Don't give yourself so much credit, I don't think you even know what love is,"

"I know that you wanted to kiss me in the car. You didn't put up a fight in fact you kissed me back. So tell me Kitten, who's lying now?" H tilts his head to the side with his lips curled up much like the Cheshire Cat.

"A kiss means nothing. It's just a kiss and I'm not getting into this with you at 3 in the morning," I tell him sliding back down into my bed. I turn my body to face the window but am conscience not to crush my arm that was still healing under the cast.

"Whatever you say," I feel him slide into the blankets next to me. The distance between our bodies is present again as if it never left in the first place. It was almost like sleeping in an empty bed again.

N. Ayo sorry I have been doing university stuff for the past week or so but heres a chapter for all you lovlies! Tell me what you think!!

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