F I N A L S H O W*

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3 Years Later...

"What if the neighbors catch us?" I ask innocently giggling as Harry kisses up my neck rendering my breathless feeling his lips trail up to my jawline. My hands tangle in his lightly curled mop, the newly cut hair slipping through my fingers. I bite my lip seductively and smile seeing him recline my seat back on the furthest setting possible.

"Let them, maybe they will learn a thing or two," Harry says riding up my ivory colored mini dress he was dying to take off.

"Wow, I don't think I have ever heard you say anything so cheeky in the course of our marriage," I close my eyes and feel him slip my underwear down to my ankles as they slide down my sleek hairless legs.

"Maybe I've turned a new leaf," He says smiling as he goes down on me, my eyes roll behind my head and I groan and moan out in a euphoria that can't be described in words. I pull at his hair and breath heavily looking up at the car ceiling.

"We should go inside, Reagan's mother wants her home by eleven and we are ten minutes out," I breathe to Harry putting my hand against his chest to stop him from kissing my body. I felt like I was on fire and I hated to kill the moment but we were parents now. I always promised H I would be the best mother possible to Kieran and I will continue to keep my promise.

"I'll take Reagan home and I will hurry back to finish what I started," Harry says licking his lips with a satisfied smile. He pulls up his pants and inclines the chair letting me pull my underwear up and get myself together before going in to pay and send Reagan home.

Smoothing down my hair, Harry gets back into the driver's side and pills down the mirror fixing his hair and shirt for presentation's sake. I shake my head and giggle getting out of the car and walking up to the front door. I clear my throat and hear the sound of the tv playing in the living room as I peek around the corner.

My heels click against the tile as I turn the corner to notice no one occupying the living room. I furrow my brow and call out for Reagan in a hushed tone, careful not to wake up Kieran. He tended to be a very light sleeper and with the click of a pen, he would be up wanting Harry or me to come and lay with him until he fell back asleep.

"Reagan?" I call backing up to walk down the main hallway where all our bedrooms resided.

After the night Liam broke in and threatened us and ended up dead himself I couldn't stand to live there any longer. There were too many bitter memories attached to that house after all death resided there, not only Liam but also H. That was the last time I ever saw him, ever talked to him, would ever talk to him really. He had drifted away, always residing in the passenger seat of the fake Harry I called my husband.

"Reagan? Are you here sweetie?" I call around feeling a pit in my stomach when I notice a spot of blood next to my shoe as I walk down the hallway towards Kieran's bedroom. My heart stops and my blood runs as I slowly walk towards the bedroom at the end of the hall. Blood trails on the tile, the closer I got the more the blood smeared in a trail.

"Reagan sweetie?"I say reaching the Kieran's door where I notice it partially open with blood dripping off the white wood enclosing whoever was inside. "Oh my god," I whisper gulping down a familiar fear instilled in me as I close my eyes and push open the door.

I take in a deep breath and open my eyes, the atmosphere is dark as I look at blood pooling all over the light colored carpet. My pulse races as I take a few more steps into the room and see Kieran splashing around in the blood pooling around Reagan's body. Her eyes are dead staring at me as my hands move up to my mouth to stop the screams that sit in my throat.

She is bathed in blood while Kieran looks at me with a smile, "Mommy! Mommy!" Kieran raises his hands and runs over to me, running into my arms as my eyes stay concentrated on the dead body of a sixteen-year-old girl. It feels like I am breathing through a straw as I take in the scene and notice Kieran drenched in the crimson red liquid.

"I missed you, mommy!" He says cheerfully wrapping his little arms around my neck as I look down and snake my arms around him. My white dress stains red as he holds onto me like he never wants me to leave again.

"Kieran baby, what happened?" I say in a shaky voice pulling him off of me to look at his unsettling smile. Blood was smear over his right cheek while noticing him covered from head to toe in Reagan's thick dark red blood.

"He did it," Kieran says pointing to the mirror in the corner causing my blood to run cold.

"Who is he?" I ask him holding his arms by his sides as I begin to panic from his words.

"His name is James, he lives inside me!" Kieran beams causing my head to spiral out of control. My mind reels to H once again as I look around and begin to tear up at the horrific sight caused by Kieran.

"Elle, are you and Reagan coming out or... what-" Harry freezes in the doorway as I whip my gaze over to him.

"Daddy!" Kieran jumps excited to see Harry as he looks at me with a horrified expression that made my heart completely stop. All the oxygen is sucked from my lungs and I fear it won't return as Kieran smiles at the both of us.

T H E E N D.

N. This was such a wild ride my friends! I hope you are all having a spooky night babies! Thank you for all the support you've given me through this process! Don't be too sad this is over, I just previewed my new Hariana esque book! So if you are craving more Ari and Harry you can head over there for an even spookier time. Any last thoughts on everything? Let me know!

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