15| A L L B A D

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"You say this is for the best but it's not," my co-star says grabbing my hand while towering over me in height. I look into his crystal blue eyes and shake my head with ease feeling the emotions of my character. Heat rises in my cheeks and my stomach squeezes a wave of nausea.

"Kyle don't make this harder then it already is," I speak confidently with a tinge of softness lacing my voice.

It felt good to finally be back at work, spending all my time with H was becoming aggravating. I had finally convinced him to let me go, after all, all he did was sit around and drink most days. Getting so drunk he near blacks out and sleeps the majority of the day. That's how it has been for a month now, I never thought I would have to put up with H for this long.

However, I savored the time away even though H had enforced a strict curfew on me. It was as if I were a delinquent teenager in need of some boundaries and discipline. H kept me captive in his own ways because in his mind he owned me. Whether that was true or not I really want sure. I was giving him the power for him to think that but it was better then the alternative. H was violent and erratic, at a flip of a switch he could threaten my very existence.

"It doesn't have to be hard at all if you would just drop all of this," He strokes my cheek and for a second I believe the emotions, my stomach twists and churns. I suddenly feel nauseous but stay put waiting for the appropriate to say my line.

"We can't keep going on the way we have, physically and emotionally I can't take it, Kyle. I'm worn out, you've strung me out and left me out to dry," I swallow hard and begin to visually sweat from my stomach threatening to empty itself.

"Chanel are you alright? You're really pale," Louis says to me as I breathe shallowly. I take off forcing Louis to release my hand that he was holding during the scene. It isn't long before I know that I'm not going to make it the distance to the bathroom so instead I set my sights on a garbage bin.

I drop to my knees and hurl into the bin, all my lunch presenting itself in the trash. I take a breath but it only provoked me to projectile vomit again violently. Seafood was my favorite but at the time my stomach wasn't tolerant of it.

I lay over the trash bin and close my eyes feeling them water, a symptom from the vomiting. I feel a hand connect with my back and see Liam bend down next to me.

"You okay Elle?" He asks me and I nod even though I am far from feeling okay.

"Yeah let me just-" I am cut off by myself before violently puking into the trash bin once again. Liam gathers my hair into his hands and holds it back for me while I empty my stomach.

"We need to get you home," Liam tells me as I cough a few times shaking my head.

"No, we need to finish the scene..." I say in a quiet voice with glassy and watering eyes that were messing up my makeup.

"Chanel, you are literally projectile vomiting, you've almost filled the entire little bin," Liam reminds me as I fall into his arms and slump over overcome with exhaustion.

"I don't want to lose this opportunity Liam, this movie means everything to me and-"

"I will talk to the director, I'm sure he will understand. Don't even worry about that," Liam tells me as I sink into his arms feeling every ounce of strength leave my body.

"I'm so tired..." I tell Liam closing my eyes and cuddling into his chest. I didn't want to be moved, I wanted to stay right here on the floor where I could lay down.

"Do you need me to carry you?" Liam asks but I close my eyes and fail to respond due to the tiredness that tugs and pulls at my consciousness.

"Oh god, my stomach hurts," I trail as Liam lifts me into his arms. I wrap my own arms around my stomach and squeeze my eyes shut feeling another surge of pain and sweat coat over my forehead.

"Are you going to make it home?" Liam asks me with the aid of Louis and the director. I guess I had caused quite a scare with the whole projectile vomiting thing.

"I'll try," I said in a little above a whisper while I clutch at my stomach.


"Playing hooky?" H bombard me as soon as I come into the house. I'm met with a strong musty smell of alcohol and begin to gag. I drop my bag and run to the sink where I let loose and hear H groan in disgust.

"Have some composure would you? Ugh!" He groans hearing and smelling my vomit.

"You aren't really helping the situation by being an asshole," I roll my eyes wiping my mouth and I breathe out and slid down against the cabinets. I had completely worn myself out.

"Well maybe you shouldn't eat things that will make you sick, it's common sense really," H pesters me more with his annoying tone. I went in the mood for his pointless lectures that more or less just got on my nerves.

"I didn't ask for your dietary suggestion and secondly, I didn't know this would make me sick, to begin with," I huff rubbing my stomach that had to have been emptied out by now. My eye lids grew heavy and I fought to stay awake but it was proving to be hard.

"You should be paying for my professional suggestions," H tells me looking down at me while I look at him lazily.

"Mhmm sure," I answer sighing and tilting my head against the cabinet until I find myself in a comfortable position. I snore softly but hold on to the slightest piece of consciousness I have left.

I feel a hand against my cheek, it's a light stroke that lasts only a second. My body is lifted up off the floor and into a pair of arms that supports all my weight. My head lays against H's warm chest and I can hear a heartbeat knocking against his rib cage. It was funny, I never thought H had a heart, he was dark and twisted, a spawn of Satan, incapable of feeling empathy or any other human emotion.

Yet here he was, holding me. Taking me upstairs to our bedroom where I hadn't been in for a month or two now. I opted to take refuge in the guest bedroom. There wasn't anyway in hell I would sleep near H, the possibility was non existent.

My body settles into the cushioned mattress and silky sheets. The heat from H's body dissipates and is replaced by heat from the comforter H lays over me. I can feel his lingering eyes on me while I breathe slowly and feel my stomach pains subside.

Was it possible that H wasn't all bad? Yes, he was a monster that I thought could only exist in my nightmares but there was more to him. He had dimensions to him and secrets that morphed into what he was.

A monster with somewhat of a conscience. That was what I needed to take advantage of, the slice of human that resides in the monster.

N. How are all of you?! I feel like it's been awhile even though in reality it probably hasn't been lol! Anyways what do you guys think about H?

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