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"Im so nervous Wonho! The other members will be able to notice right away" I said as I pulled up the driveway of their dorm. Wonho place his hand over mine and gave it a little squeeze.

"It been okay, if we act normal they won't know" Wonho gave me a small smile. I nodded at him and gave him a weak smile. I was so nervous that my hands were shaking as I was walking up towards the dorm door. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door as hard as I could. I waited couple second until the door open and saw Shownu head poke out from behind.

"Hi" I waved at him and he waved back at me. "Everyone ready?" I'd asked. Shownu turned around, yelled out to everyone to hurry up and that I'm here. Minhyuk push past me and headed straight to the van.

"I'm not sitting at back again" Minhyuk yelled out and got into the car. Just then IM appeared and disappeared out of no where. "Hyungs you got back seats!!" IM yelled out and Im guessing he sat next to Minhyuk. The rest of the boys mumbled disappointment from having backrow seats.

"You already!!" I yelp out in excitement once i got into the driving seat. The boys screamed out yeah. The worst mistake I made that trip was letting Minhyuk pick the songs that we listen too. He played all of their songs which I didn't mind singing along too. Then he started to play some werid songs, I didn't even know the name of the songs. Lucky the drive was only 1 hour.

Once we arrived the boys went straight to make up and wardorbe. I took that time to quickly text the CEO telling him that we have arrived. I also walk around saying hello to the staff. I went back to check up on the boys and lucky for me I didn't walk in on them half naked. They were all ready just waiting for the staff to call them out.

I was so nervous during the shoot, because Wonho would take every chance he could to touch me in anyway. He could lightly bump into me. He would stand so close that our sides were touching. He would lean in close to talk to talk to me. I didn't know how to act and I was scared that the boys would notice, but for some reason they didn't. Well if they did notice they aren't saying anything about it.

Car ride back pretty much all the boys fell asleep beside IM. IM was just playing games on his phone until I heard him ask "Is their something going on between you and Wonho?". My heart started to beat well over thousand times per second. So many thoughts were running through my mind.

"No their isn't!!... Why you say that?" I replied, hoping that he would believe it. I had a quick look in the review mirror and saw him staring at with the most intense look in his eyes.

"He been very touchy with you today. Everyone notice it" He replied. I mental plam myself in the face. Of cause they would notice him being all touchy, all of a sudden.

"Look if their is something going between you two, it best to tell us. So at least we can help you guys keep it secret" IM then went back to playing his game, like the conversation never happen. Me on the other I couldn't think straight and it didn't help that I was driving them back as well. The time we arrived at their dorm for me felt like forever because of what IM said. I woke the boys the up and with the help of IM and Jooheon we manage to get Hyungwon up.

Wonho and I were standing at the front of the car about to wave goodbye to them, when IM spoke. "So are you guys dating or not?" Which made everyone freeze for a second. Minhyuk then punch his arm. "We said we won't going to say anything to them" Minhyuk keep punching his arm while IM was apologize.

"Yeah we are dating. I wanted to keep it between us but I realise that it would be wrong for me to do that to you guys" Wonho interrupt them. The boys gave out a huge sign which sound more like disappointment signed.

"I'm not happy but I can't do anything about. Try and keep it as private as you can Wonho" Shownu said as he place his hand on Wonho shoulder. Wonho nodded at his response and I was just trying to understand everything.

"So how did you get him to like you?? Was it your looks? Your body? Or personality" A arm wrap around my shoulder. I looked up and saw a smirking Minhyuk. He turned his attention onto me now instead of IM. I opened my mouth to respond and Minhyuk arm went flying off.

"Did I say you could touch her?" Wonho voice spoke behind me. Minhyuk hands flew up and he slowly back off apologizing. The boys started to tease him by how overprotective his is already. I couldn't help but giggle, all my worries disappeared when I saw how supportive they are. We said our goodbyes, while Wonho and I headed back to the house.

"Tomorrow I'm taking you out" Wonho said as we entered into the house.

"What? Like a date?" I looked over at him as I was taking off my shoes. He gave a huge smile and walked towards his room.

"It be our first date as a couple" He replied as he went into his room and close his door. Tomorrow is going to be our first date as a couple. I couldn't help but smile as I laid down on my bed.

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