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My phone went off the minute I walked inside the house, after dropping Wonho at the company so he can practice.

Geez this boy acts like a 2 year old instead of a 24 year old

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Geez this boy acts like a 2 year old instead of a 24 year old.

I'd lazy around pretty much the whole morning. I just watched show after show, every now and then get up to eat or go to the toilet. It now lunch time and I was looking through the fridge when I heard my phone go off in the lounge room.

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I got to admit I rather have very faty food then this pizza that I'm eating

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I got to admit I rather have very faty food then this pizza that I'm eating. I'm pretty much eating cardboard that how tough and horrible it was. I end up throwing out half of the pizza in the bin. I couldn't handle eating anymore. I grab an apple on the way back to the lounge room.


I goaned as my phone went off. It had to go off when the most interesting part of the drama was happening.

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I had to double check the messages, I was right he said I'll text you when I'm coming home

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I had to double check the messages, I was right he said I'll text you when I'm coming home. Wait does that mean I don't have to pick him up. I was so confused that I called the company to check. They said that they were paying for taxis so that I dont have to pick them up at 1am in the morning.

I shock when I didn't get any messages from him during dinner time. I wanted to message him but I thought he might be busy so I didn't. I should have stayed up but I was tired even though I did nothing the whole day. So I'd pretty much went to sleep at 10pm, which is early for me.

My phone going off woke me up from my sleep. I'm going to kill the person who is texting me.

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I signed and got out of the bed

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I signed and got out of the bed. I headed towards the front door to wait for wonho. In exactly 10min the door opened and Wonho apeared from behind it. His face lit up the moment he saw me. He rushed to take off his shoes, almost falling over as he was doing it. Once they were off, he wrap his strong arms around me and gave me a very tight hug.

"I miss you so much" Wonho whispered in my ear. I tired to respond but his hug was so tight that I couldn't even breath. I had to poke him in the rips for him to break away.

"I couldn't breath" I'd joking gasp for air. I grap his hand and headed towards his room. I turn to look at him and he had one eyebrow raised.

"What?" I gave him the what are you thinking look. He leaned down and smirk at me.

"Your sleeping with me tonight. I don't care what you say"


Secret Love COMPLETE (Wonho Monsta X story) Where stories live. Discover now