Chapter 1

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                          Michael's P.O.V

"You piece of shit!"

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"You little shit!" He neared me, making me look down at the floor terrified.

"Look at me!" He harshly grabbed my chin and pulled my face up to look at me.

"You ever do that again, and you're going back into the basement."

"Y-Yes, sir." After he let go of me I quickly put my gaze back onto the floor, not daring to look up in fear that he'll drag me down to that basement again.

"Now put that shit up." He mumbled as he put the cold beer bottle to his lips, taking a long swig of it as he walked back to the couch and threw himself on it.

I quickly kneeled down and picked up the shards of broken glass from the cup I had dropped earlier.

My father.. I don't dare call him that anymore. He gets drunk a lot and gets violent. It's only on occasion that he isn't drunk. He's always gone during the day and back at night, but drunk.

"Your mother would look down upon you." He spat.

I tried my best to not let out my anger or let my tears fall as he talked to me like I was garbage.

My mother was everything to me. She was everything I would ever need. My mom had died two years ago from a bad car accident. But it wasn't her fault. It was my fathers.


"Ah, Michael, I forgot to tell you that your father and I will be going to a very important business party that we have to attend." My mother smiles warmly at me as she sits at the dinner table, a seat across from me.

"It's alright, mom. I hope you have fun." I smile back as I tapped my foot on the floor with impatience and slight annoyance.

"Will there be beer there?" I clear my throat as I ask, straightforwardly.

"Yes, why?" She asked kindly as I glanced over at dad.

"Ah, no reason. Dad can just get a little impolite is all." I smiled reassuringly before I continued on eating the meal my mother had made for us.

"Okay, it's about time for us to go. We will see you in a couple hours. Bye, sweetie." She grinned at me before placing a kiss on my cheek as I said my 'goodbyes' to them.

Later that night, I was beyond bored. I had nothing to do and I wasn't tired at all. I walked into the living room in a white t-shirt and comfortable pants with my slippers of course. I sat down on the couch as I turned on the tv.

I looked through the tv shows and just decided to turn on a random show.

I was still in the beginning when my phone rang.

"Yeah? What do you want?" I sigh as I wait for the person on the other line to speak.

"Your parents have been in a bad car accident! They are badly hurt, Mike! Come quick!" My friend of five years screamed across the phone as he panicked.

My eyes widened before I ended the call and ran out the door, not caring whether I was dressed or not.

I ran down the sidewalk, not caring that I was getting drenched in rain. Only one thing matters to me right now; my mom.

                    END OF FLASHBACK

I quickly shook the memory out of my mind before it could get far enough for me to not be able to handle it.

My dad has always been like this. He's always been an addict and always will be. He abused me and mom. The only other important person I had in my life. Often I would take a beating or two for her.

My dad... he killed my mom. I can never forgive him. He abused her, he yelled cruel words, and he's attempted to rape her. He killed her.

"Pick up the fucking glass!" My dad yelled loudly.

"O-okay." I cleared my throat and tears brimmed my eyes.

"You little-" suddenly I felt a sharp pain on the left side of my stomach. He had kicked me to the ground.

"Go to the basement." He ordered as he raised his hand before bringing it down and punching me in my gut.

"Yes sir." I groaned as I slowly walked down the stairs, hearing the door locked one, twice, three times.

Looks like I'm here.. again.

I sat down on the cold cement floor, throwing my head back and letting it hit the hard wall behind me. I saw nothing; as usual. There was no lights in the basement. Only the darkness. It was always so freezing in here. It's like a freezer. Often I'm thrown in here all night. This might as well be my bedroom. Every night I sleep on this cold hard cement floor and wake up to him.

Every single day is hell. Why? Because my father is an addict. He doesn't care about anything but his precious alcohol.

I've never known him as just a normal guy. He's always been an addict. Ever since I was a child. What was he like before? Did he still abuse and rape women? My mother wasn't happy because of him and neither am I. We shouldn't haven't to defend ourselves.

"Father, why do you hurt me?"

I felt me lip begin to tremble as tears threatened to fall at the memory of it all.

"Why did you hurt mom?"

"A women shouldn't be touched when she says no." I mumbled as the tears begin to roll down my cheeks as I hugged my knees.

"A person shouldn't be hit, kicked, punch.."

"Father, why do you do those things?"

I don't dare let my sobs leave my mouth. If he heard, I'd only get an even worse beating in the morning.

So, I stayed quiet. Crying silently to myself as I remembered all the pain he has brought me.

"You're such a shameful man."


So this was kinda like Michael's backstory. I wanted to start this sequel with a background of Michael. Although this isn't his full background it's a little peek of his life.

Now, this may be a bit shocking to others and to others I may not be at all. Personally, I think this explains why he is the way he is. It's his way of sheltering himself in a way.

What are your thoughts on his backstory?

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