Chapter 6

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"Thank you for being so strong. I know your fight was long and hard."

Michael Conor, I don't know of anyone stronger than you. You're fight was long and hard, but here you are. You still chose to stay here. I know you had a choice. I know.. thank you.

"I'm proud of you." I chucked as I do badly wanted to just ruffle his hair.

My idiot. Mine and only mine. He's strong, stupid, thoughtful, caring, kind, and he can sometimes be a dumbass, but he's still mine and I can't ask for anyone better.


After hearing the news I immediately called Drew, telling him the good news. Drew was relieved and told me he was coming down to the hospital because of the news.

I was currently waiting for Drew in Michael's room. I was so happy that he was finally getting better. For the first time I was more relaxed while I sat with Michael. I didn't have that overwhelming crushing fear that something terrible was about to happen.

"I know you can hear me." I smiled as I held him hand.

"I know I couldn't possibly understand your fight right now, but I just love you so much for fighting so hard." I was smiling softly at him as he lay there.

That's when it hit me...

This entire time that Michael has been here in the hospital, the entire time he almost died, the time he went into surgery... His father wasn't there.

Where is his dad?

Why is his father not here? Through all this, his father was never present.


"Where is your father?" I whispered to Michael, concern in my voice as I felt the sadness hit me like a truck.

"Where?" I caressed his cheek as I looked sadly at him.

I bit my lip as I wondered,

Does his father care?

Does his father love him?

The only thing I could think about is that his father was nowhere in sight..


"I'm here!" Drew smiled brightly as he entered the room, walking up to me and hugging me tightly.

"Thank you for coming." I smiled as I hugged him back, holding onto him tightly as I thought of Michael's fathers absence.

"No problem." He smiled as we pulled apart and walked back over to Michael.

"So, he's really doing better?" Drew looked like he felt more relieved since he'd heard the news.

Even though Michael and Drew don't get along well, that doesn't mean Drew wants him hurt. Sure, Drew doesn't like Michael and sometimes Michael is a total douche.. which is true, but Drew still wishes him to be okay.

I heard the knocks on the door which made me turn around to see a new doctor who I've never seen before.

She smiled softly at me before bringing in a cart with food.

"I thought that maybe you were hungry. You don't ever leave the room." She spoke sadly as she pushed the cart towards me.

"You should eat." She smiled as she stopped the cart right in front of me.

"Thank you." I was so appreciative for this.

"I'll let you eat. I hope he gets better." She nods at me before exiting the room.

I let out a sad sigh as I look over at the food before looking back at Michael.

"Please eat." Drew spoke as he looked at me with sad eyes.

"And then sleep. You look exhausted.." He rubbed my back providing comfort as he watched me.

"I'm okay." I gave him a reassuring look before I picked up the fork and started eating.

"I'll stay with you tonight."

"Okay, thank you."


My breathing. was heavy as I ran through the halls of the empty hospital. My breathing getting heavier by the second.

I was looking inside of every single room but I kept getting the same empty room.. it was dark and quiet, like it had been abandoned.

My mind was racing with my heart as I frantically searched for the most important person at this moment; Michael Conor.

I was so exhausted but I kept searching.

Where is he? Where is everyone?

"Drew!" I yelled as I ran down the hall and quickly ran into the open elevator. I frantically pushed the 6th floor as I had already checked the others. It wasn't working and I was panicking.

"Drew!" I yelled as I was beginning to get really scared.


"Please!" I screamed.

"Where are you!" I was in complete and utter panic.




"It's okay, wake up!" I opened my eyes to see myself on Drew's lap.

I jolt up and realize that I was only dreaming.

It was only a dream, Addie..

"It was only a dream, it's okay. It's okay." He was trying his best to calm me down, knowing I was scared.

"B-But M-Michael was-" I was stuttering so bad.

"It's okay, shh..." Drew pulled me into a hug and starting whisper comforting words into my ear.

It was rough. This... it's really rough trying to deal with someone you love being hurt and possibly dying. It's really really hard.

"I'm here, Michael's here, and we will always be here." He said.


"Thank you, Drew." I sniffed as I wiped my eyes and pulled away.

"It'll be okay." He gave me a soft smile as he wiped my tears with his thumbs and reassured me.

"He'll be okay."

That's when I heard it. The sound of the monitor going flat. The doctors rushed in and immediately started trying to bring him back. He was dead.. dead.. I don't know if they can save him this time.

"Come on, you have to leave, ma'am." One doctor started pushing me out as I was filled with panic.

"W-Wait, no! He can't die! Save him! Bring him back!"

"We are trying all we can, ma'am."

And that's when the doctor closed the door to his hospital room, leaving me with anxiety, panic, and the thought that he was dead.












I'm sorry for giving you false hope😂


Okay, but Yuzuru's fall.. I hope he's okay.. he's so hard working. I hope he'll get better soon!

Yuzuru is so precious OML

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