Chapter 2

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Well, it's been a month since I saw Michael with that girl. Michael had desperately been trying to talk to me but I don't even want to see his face anymore. He was only a fuckboy. How did I fall for his trap? I thought I was smarter than this. I thought I knew myself better, but the truth is; I don't know a single thing about myself.

"Hey, how are you?" Drew leans into me as we walk down the sidewalk to my apartment.

My emotions are so numb. It hurts. Everything aches inside me. The only thing that makes me smile throughout the day is Drew. He brings me up. But the truth is, I'm so done being hurt by selfish people.

"Yeah." I lock eyes with him and try my best to smile and give him a look of reassurance but I could tell, he could see right through me.

He sighs as he puts his arm around me and pulls me into his side as we walk down the sidewalk.

"Addie, you don't have to just keep all your emotions bottled up inside. You don't have to act so strong around me."

"I just can't believe I trusted him." My gaze fell to the ground as I felt my heart getting tight.

"Addie," he stopped and turned me to face him.

The guilt in his eyes made me feel worse about talking to him about what happened. I didn't want him to feel guilty. That was the last thing I wanted from him.

"The thing I regret most is the fact that I let you be with him. I let you be with someone who I knew would hurt you in the end. I understand that you think it's not my fault but it is. I knew that he would hurt you. And I didn't do a thing about it. But please.. just lean on me, okay? You don't have to stay strong for me."


"No.. please just don't hide your feelings. I know you're hurting. And I care so much and I lo-"

"Hey, Addie!" I snap my head towards the voice, which was way too familiar.

That was the voice of someone whom had broken me. Someone who hurts me and only continues to hurt me emotionally. The one person who I wish I would never see again in my entire life; Michael Conor.

"U-Uh, I have to go." I spoke quickly before I run as fast as I could with Drew following behind me.


I run into my apartment building and run up the stairs. I was running out of breath more and more. Every second had me more afraid than the next.

Shit, my doors locked.

I quickly fumbled for my keys as I run down the hall. I stopped with Drew at my door and hurriedly tried to open the door before Michael met with me. I was desperately trying to get the key inside the hole as he neared me.

I finally got the key inside the key hole and started to twist it when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. Their hot breath on my neck made me shiver as I froze on the spot.

"Why... are you avoiding me?" He spoke out of breath as he held onto me tightly.

"Hey, get off her." Drew harshly pushed Michael, causing him to let go of me.

"Why are you avoiding me, Addie?" His gaze on me made me so nervous and so upset. I never wanted to see him again, let alone talk to him.

"She's avoiding you because you're a dick." Drew's harsh but sharp tone was enough to take me aback as he suddenly spoke up.

"What?" Michael looked between us both as he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

His facial expression was such a lie. He's just a coward. Trying to pretend he didn't fuck a girl while he was with me..

Drew didn't say a word after that. He watched me carefully, not wanting to say something he shouldn't.

"Baby, what's wrong?" His tone was gentle and his sad facial expression almost made me feel bad.

But it didn't. I made me angry.

"What's wrong? Are you fucking serious?" My voice getting louder as the anger inside me began to come out.

"You lied to me!"

"What are you talking about?" He placed his hand on my cheek as tears brimmed his eyes.

"You're fucking lie is almost believable. You think I'm going to fall for your act of giving a shit?" I scoff as I smack his hand off my cheek quickly.

"Baby, what did I do wrong?"

"You fucked her, Michael!" I screamed as tears rolled down my cheek as the pain in my chest got worse and my emotions were all over the place.

"Who? Babe, I wouldn't fuck anyone but you." He winked as he watched me broken down.

I was crying and sobbing my heart out and he has the nerve to act like this?

"You know what?" I yelled.

"Fuck you!"

I quickly opened my front door and slammed it shut. I could hear Drew's yells at Michael as I sat on the floor in front of my front door, sobbing my heart out. I'm so stupid. I'm crying but it makes my heart ache more.

I'm so stupid.

I let myself fall for someone who did nothing but stab me in my heart a million times.

Now I'm left bleeding.

I have no bandages.

Just an open wound.

And you're the reason why.

Tears streamed down my face as I got up and walked to my bed. The yells from Drew began to get louder as I cried.

Why do you act like I don't know?

I know you don't give a shit about me.

I know you don't fucking care.

I know you don't love me.

So why try?

Why do you act like you're so innocent and that you love me and you don't just want my v card.

My eyes began to get heavy as my tears hit my pillow over and over again. My blanket was pulled up to my chin as I curled into a ball in my blanket.

And with that pain, that ache, that wounded heart; I fell asleep.


I'm back XD

I've been working on a lot recently obviously including this book, but I've been working on so much more for our boys! I've been working on the following:

- Fanart

- Edits

- Fanfics

- Wallpapers

- Blogs

- Updates


I'm very busy so I'm surprised I'm able to write so much! I've got a lot of time on my hands as always so I'm trying to do some fun and creative stuff for our boys!

I'll also be updating my Drew fanfic soon!🙈💕

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