Chapter 19

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My hands were soaked with my tears but I was finally running out. I started to feel as if I should be crying and my chest hurt so badly.. but I couldn't. Because even though I still felt the pain and it hurt.. I had run out of tears. And now it was just raw pain.

He broke my heart.

But even still, I whispered,

"I love you."


I stood in front of my school. My tired eyes being ever so obvious. I drag my feet as I walk towards to front doors of the school and push them open. The loud chatter and people pushing their way around each other as I walked towards my locker.

I tried to open my locker quickly to avoid all the pushes I was getting from people. I closed my locker, books in hand as I made my way to class. The class I didn't want to even step foot in.

I kept my gaze on the ground and I entered the classroom. Slightly seeing Michael out of the corner of my eye. I sat down at my desk, feeling uneasy as Michael sat behind me.

Drew soon entered the classroom. As he walked over to his desk he glanced at me, and furrowed his eyebrows when he saw how unwell I looked due to my lack of sleep. He sat down at his desk but I could still feel his gaze on the back of my head.


Lunch came around and I didn't want to have to see Michael again. So, I went to the only other spot I know I can get away.

I walked up the stairs to the rooftop, already feeling a rush of relief wash over me. I opened the door but immediately stopped in my tracks when I saw Drew sitting by the edge of the building where we once sat together.

I started to leave when he spoke up,

"Why do you look so unwell?" Drew asked, making me immediately stop and turn stiff.

I stood there, not knowing how to even begin to respond to that. I didn't know what to say at all.

"I-I.." I finally gained enough courage and spun on my heal to turn around and face Drew.

His gaze was never leaving as he waited patiently for my response that I couldn't give.

"Just come sit." Drew let out a sigh as he patting the spot next to him, indicating that he wanted me to sit.

I slowly walked towards him and sat down of the warm cement.

"Did he hurt you again?"

I hung my head low and tried to hold back my tears.

"Did he?"

I slowly nodded my head, never lifting it up and keeping my gaze on the ground.

Drew let out a deep sigh before he spoke,

"I could never begin to understand how someone could break a heart like yours." His heart ached as he looked over at my face, and even if he couldn't see my face fully, he knew how hurt I was.

Drew brought his hand towards me, softly tucking a strand of hair behind my ears.

I looked up at him, tears flowing down my cheeks. He wiped them with his thumbs as he let out a sigh and stared at me with sympathy.

"You don't deserve this.." his voice slightly cracking as a pang of sadness hit him.

"What did he do to you?" He questioned after some silence.

I stay silent, trying to find the right words, but I could never find them.

"He never loved me. It was all a lie." I whispered which was almost inaudible.

Drew was shocked. He truly thought that Michael had changed like he said. Although it took awhile for him to believe it, he eventually did.

His eyes burned with anger and slight confusion. His fists balled up as he tried to calm himself down.

"Come with me." Drew grabbed my hand and brought me down the stairs, unwilling to let go of my wrist.

"What are you doing?" I wiped my eyes as I were being led by Drew down the school hallways.

Soon we entered the loud and crowded cafeteria and by now, I knew what he was doing.

"Drew, stop, don't." I whispered loudly as I tried to get him to let go of me.

"Don't!" I said louder, making him to quickly turn around making me nearly run into him.

"He needs to hear it. And he needs to see you." Then before I could even reply he turned around and started walking again.

We walked over to Michael's table and stopped causing Michael and his friends to stop talking and look at us.

"Why?" Drew shouts.

"Drew, stop.." I begged.

"If you won't say it then I will." He replies.

"Why what?" Michael was practically shooting daggers at Drew.

"How could you toy around with someone heart for so long and hurt them like that?" Drew was furious. He was burning holes into Michael.

"It's easy. Because I never loved her. It was such a fun game by the way. Ah, I wish I could've fucked you at least once before it ended." He smirked, knowing what he did to me.

"You're such a fucking dick." Drew shouts loudly causing most of the people in the cafeteria to look towards us before continuing back to their own conversations.

"Ah, I've heard that so many times. Why don't you tell me something I don't know?" Michael sighed as he propped his feet up on the table.

"You don't have even a bit of sympathy in your bones do you? You really are a piece of shit." Drew spat at Michael.

My eyes flooded with tears as I realized once more how much Michael truly didn't care at all that he'd hurt me. I tried swallowing the lump in my throat but it was too much and I couldn't hold it in.

I yanked my wrist out of Drew's hand and ran out of the cafeteria, not knowing anyone to see me so weak.

I truly thought you'd be sorry.

Isn't that pathetic.


It's been so long! I'm so sorry for the lack of updated recently! I've been working on so many things and trying to update different things! But this is one of the things I enjoy most.

Once again, here I am, asking for forgiveness. Please?🙈💕

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