Chapter 5

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"He won't experience all of these, but he will experience some of them, so please be aware of them." He was trying to be as comforting as possible, but he wasn't helping by telling me the symptoms.

"Thank you.." I was so terrified.

What's going to happen to him?

I'm so terrified he won't be able to do the things he loved to do, I'm afraid he won't remember me or that he won't make it.

Please be okay.


Michael has already been in surgery for an hour and no one has come out. I was worried sick and I just didn't know what to do with myself. I haven't left the hospital, let alone the room. I just could never leave him. I barely ate due to my worrying, but I just wanted to stay by his side. However, I did eat due to Drew bringing food to me so I didn't have to leave Michael.

The doctor opened the door and walked outside of the surgery room. He sighed as he walked over to me. I stood up and immediately walked over to him in hope that nothing bad happened during the surgery.

"Well, everything went smoothly. Now it's just a waiting game as to if he will recover well and have any severe symptoms." He gave me a soft smile as he put him hand on my shoulder.

"Really?" I gasped, I was so happy that nothing bad happened during the surgery.

"Yes, but if and when he wakes up, he will have to be hospitalized for a couple days to make sure he's okay. But don't forget that we don't know for sure if he'll be okay." He rubbed my shoulder before he continued walking down the hallway.

Soon after he left, the nurses were pushing Michael out of the room.

He had bandages and all sorts of things connected to him all over his body.

God, I hate seeing him like this.

I followed the nurses as I looked at Michael. I never realized how much I loved this boy until this tragic moment happened.

I almost lost him and still could, that's what made me open up my eyes and realize... I do love him.

He means the world to me, if I lost him I would be so hurt and broken that I don't know if anyone could fix me.


They had brought Michael back to his room about 2 days ago and it's just been Michael and I since then. Drew said he was on his way here a few minutes ago.

"Can you hear me Michael?" I asked quietly as I placed my hand on his cheek as I leaned over him, looking down at his pale face.

"If you can, just listen to my voice, okay?" I smiled slightly as I rubbed my thumb across his cheek.

"You are beautiful, you are so amazing, you make me smile, and you make me so happy, okay?"

"You always bring me up when I fall down and I know I should've been there for you when you were frustrated. But I just want you to know that I love you so much."

"I love you, Michael Conor." I lean forward and place a kiss on his forehead, missing him even though he was right in front of me.

I held tightly onto his hand which I intertwined mine with before. I don't think I've ever held onto him tighter than I am right now.

That's when I feel his finger twitch slightly making me back up and look at his hand shocked. His finger was still moving but only very slightly.

I was beyond shocked. I was so happy and filled with relief that I was just frozen.

I could already feel the tears of joy welling up in my eyes. Before I knew it I was crying from relief.

This whole time I was dealing with not knowing if he was going to make it, it was such a huge weight on my chest.

"Thank you for not leaving me." I whispered as I wrapped my arms around him the best I could with his broken arm.

"Thank you." I whispered into his chest.


I open my eyes and find myself asleep on Michael's chest. I must have fallen asleep earlier. That was the best sleep I've gotten since the accident. For the first time, I had no worry of him not living.

I lift up my head and look at Michael with a smile. But I still couldn't smile enough. I was still scared about the symptoms and the effects.

I heard a faint knock on the door before the doctor came into the room, closing the door behind him.

"Ah! He moved his finger! Is that a good sign?" I had completely forgotten to tell the doctor until now.

"That can be a good sign. That could mean he's starting to wake up from his coma. But it could just be from the coma unfortunately.." The doctor smiled at me as he nodded at me.

My smile grew so big, but still.. I just can't smile fully yet.

"We will know about his symptoms when he wakes up." The doctor smiles at me.

"Thank you." I reply as to thank him in appreciation.

He just simply nodded as he turned to walk out of the room. As he grabbed ahold of the knob he stopped himself and turned around.

"Ah, I forgot to tell you," he started.

"So far his breathing is getting better and so is his pulse. He's being extremely strong through this." The doctor smiled before leaving the room.

"You were strong for me." I smiled as I held onto his hand.

"Thank you for being so strong. I know your fight is going to be long and hard."

Michael Conor, I don't know of anyone stronger than you. You're fight was long and hard, but here you are. You still chose to stay here. I know you had a choice. I know.. thank you.

"I'm proud of you." I chucked as I so badly wanted to just ruffle his hair.

My idiot. Mine and only mine. He's strong, stupid, thoughtful, caring, kind, and he can sometimes be a dumbass, but he's still mine and I can't ask for anyone better.


So... I did some BIG research on injuries and brain hemorrhage and stuff like that and GUYS I'm legit an expert on that now. I can name everything about it and now I know everything about that.



Anyway, lets just pretend Michael didn't have to shave his head for the surgery or even part of it because.... I DONT WANT THAT


should I do a face reveal at the end of the next chapter as well as some facts about me?🙈💕

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