Chapter 11

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"Fine. You're so stubborn!" I chuckled at Michael who was now smirking.

"Not near as stubborn as you. I almost didn't get you because of you and your stubborn ass." He chuckled to himself at the memory.

"Excuse me? You were the one trying to fuck me and leave." I chuckled.

"Well, you still couldn't resist me." He winked before buying he food.

Oh, why does he have to be like this.


School didn't seem like it lasted very long with Michael there.

I thought it would've seemed really long because of everyone crowding around him constantly. Even though there was a lot of crowding, Michael didn't talk to them for long like I expected.

"You guys can play some video games while I cook, okay" I smiled at both of them as I unlocked my apartment door.

I had brought Drew over with me so that he could hang out with us.


"No but's, Michael." I gave him a stern look knowing that he was trying to avoid being around Drew.

I walked into the kitchen as Drew groaned on his way to the living room.

They're acting so childish..

I grabbed all the things I needed to prepare dinner before turning to see Michael hadn't moved from the spot he stood in when he had followed me to the kitchen.

"Michael, Go play video games with Drew." I chuckled at him as I set my ingredients down onto the counter.

"Why do I have to? He's a fucking dick." He groaned at me.

"Well so are you," I smirked at him teasingly.

"Now go." I pointed towards the living room where Drew was currently sulking.

"Fine." Michael whined as he began to walk slowly towards the living room.

I couldn't help but laugh at how childish he was being. I knew he didn't get along with Drew but I think they should learn to.

Michael's P.O.V

I walked into the living room as I approached Drew. I turned on the gaming console before sitting beside him.

"So, you gonna tell me why you're always here?" I said in annoyance.

"Because I'm friends with Addie. But you wouldn't know that since you're always with Brooke, now would you?" Drew spoke in an acerbic tone.

"I've been in a coma. How the fuck can I even be around Brooke." I snapped back bitterly.

"Then what was that at school today? It didn't seem like it was a normal conversation." Drew's death glare never left mine as he spoke.

"Fuck you." I spat.

"Maybe you should start treating Addie like she's special. You don't seem to pay much attention to her when Brooke is around." Drew spat in disgust.

"That's because Brooke wants to follow me around like a damn dog."

"You sure it isn't you?"

"What about you? You're the one who's getting bullied and can't stand up for his fucking self!" I yelled belligerently.

He was really beginning to piss me off.

Drew stuttered as he tried to find his words, but he found none.

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