Chapter 24

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"How could someone ever hurt someone like this.." her voice cracked.

She then gently placed her lips on my bruise and gently placed a kiss on one before moving to the next.

I felt horrible..

"Addie, it's okay."

"No, it's not." She stood up.

"This is never okay." She states as she pointed to my stomach.

"I'm so sorry that you had to deal with this every single day.." she mumbled.


Addie pulled out the keys to her apartment and unlocked the door quite quickly. She walked inside before letting me in.

I walked in and was immediately hit with the familiar vanilla bean scent that she always had in her apartment. As I looked at the apartment all these memories came flooding back all at once.

I still remember when she first starting to tolerate me and we played video games. That was beginning to come around to me. Before that she hated me.  A small smile tugged at my lips as I remembered.

I remembered the time when Drew stayed over with us and I glared at him the entire time. Addie was very annoyed by the two of us and our bickering.

I couldn't help but chucked at the memory of it all.

"What are you laughing about?" She smiled slightly as she put her keys down on the kitchen table and turned around to face me.

"It's nothing." I chuckled.

"I'll get you some water." She spoke as she opened up the cabinet to grab a glass.

I walked over to the couch and sat down, smiling at the familiar place.

"Here you go." She says as she hands me water with a smile.

"Thank you." I shot a soft smile at her as I took the glass from her hands.

Addie sat down beside me with a soft smile plastered on her face.

I opened my mouth to say something but quickly closed it back.

"Michael, I'm sorry." Addie gathered up enough courage to speak.

"Addie, none of this is your fault. I didn't want you to get hurt. But I had no choice.. it was either this or-" I stopped mid-sentence just remembering what my father had told me..


"You piece of shit! You don't ever fucking listen!" My father was enraged with anger as he came stomping over to me.

"I-I'm sorry!" I quickly apologized.

"You're not fucking sorry! You don't deserve anyone to be in your sorry shitty life! I swear to god, if you ever go near that girl again I'll beat her to fucking death!" He yelled into my face before punching me in my jaw.

"Break her fucking heart or you'll be sorry! You better fucking shatter it!"

                       Flashback Ends

"U-Um, anyway.." I shook the painful memory out of my head, not wanting to remember that ever again.

"Mike.. I just.. I missed you." Her voice cracked as tears started welling up in her eyes.

She looked at the ground and playing with her fingers as she tried to not cry.

"It's okay, shh.. I miss you too. I love you, baby." I pulled her into a hug, slightly wincing has my bruises pressed against her.

"I love you too." She whispered as she held onto me tightly, careful not to hurt me.

"Mike.." she pulled away and wiped her tears.

"Hm?" I mumbled.

"Promise me you won't ever go back to that house." She looked me straight in the eye as she waited for my answer.

"I promise, baby." I kissed her forehead and she let out a sigh of relief.

"You can stay with me, okay?"

"Okay.." a smile appeared of my face as caressed her cheek.

"But, you know.." a bright smile formed on my lips.

"What?" She furrowed her eyebrows and looked at me in confusion.

"That means cuddles that I won't ever let you out of, kisses, video games, hugs for my baby, and many more things to show how much I love you." My smile as so wide as this point that I couldn't even hide my love for Addie anymore, it was too obvious.

A small blush appeared on Addie's cheeks as she suddenly got all shy and embarrassed.

"You're cute." She smiled and bopped my nose.

She wrapped her arms around me as she closed her eyes.

"You're the most important person to me in the entire world, Addie.." I whispered in her ear.

"Mike, I love you so much." She pulled away and looked at me lovingly before she softly planted her warm, soft lips on mine.

I had no idea how much I missed Addie and truly loved her. It absolutely broke me when I had to break her heart. Something I would never want to do in a million years.

She pulled away and stood up and stared at me.

"Yes?" I chuckled as I looked up at her with her giddy little smile on her face.

"Can we take a nap?" She asked cutely.

"You just want the cuddles." I chuckled as I stood up.

"That may be true.. but if it's from you then that makes them way more special to me." She smiled cutely before she walked towards her bedroom.

I followed her into her room to see that it was exactly the same as it was before.

"I'll help you." She offered as she cake around to the side of the bed I was on. She began to untie my shoes knowing it would hurt my stomach to bend down like that.

I patted her head making her look up at me.

"What did I do to get someone so amazing, beautiful and special as you?" I smiled at her as she giggled.

She turned off the lights and climbed into the bed next to me. She turned to face me and put her head on my chest, gently.

"You're my everything, Addie."


I'm so so sorry for how long it's been since the last chapter! I've been so busy and I've been doing so much at once! I hope you'll forgive me again, my loves!🙈💕

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2018 ⏰

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