Finger Pistols and Carving Knives

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The next several nights Noctis couldn't get any sleep. The same nightmare would come over and over until he quit trying to even go to bed. Most nights he would stay awake on his phone or computer.

Still, without sleep his temper was short and the stress on him was so bad that Leah finally stopped talking to him. She even started sharing a room with Vanz again. Over and over she argued with him, even threated to kick him out if he didn't go see someone about it. Every time he would refuse and they would stay mad at each other.

"Noctis." Leah said sternly.

"What now?"

"You are going to go see someone about this fucking sleep deprivation shit that's going on."

"No, I'm not. I am completely fine. "

Leah got right up in front of him and lowered her voice, "look, I don't give a fuck if you think you're fine, I will drag you by your lip ring if I have to, but you're going."

"No, I'm not."

His arm tensed up and she could tell that he was about to smack her. She braced herself unnoticeably and readied herself to reverberate with a right-hook to the face.

"Hit me, I dare you." She said.

Before she could react to his hand hitting her face, she saw a quick flash of red and Noctis hit the floor. As soon as he landed on the ground Vanz curb-stomped him in the side one hard time and knocked what was left of the air in his lungs out.

"Bitch, touch my friend again and you'll be wishing you were just curb stomped!" Vanz pulled against Leah as she held her back.

Leah heard Gabriel come running down the stairs and into the kitchen, "What the bloody hell happened?" he asked.

Noctis lay curled up on the floor coughing and gasping for air and Leah desperately tried to hold back Vanz as she pulled against her with the force of an angry mother-bear.

Leah looked back at him and he saw the stinging red mark splayed across her cheek. Anger flashed through his eyes and he grabbed Noctis by the collar, slamming him into the wall, "What the bloody hell, Noctis? I told you that I wouldn't force you to go if you could control yourself! You said that you could! Now look at yourself. I haven't seen you stoop this low since back then. I think this may be even worse, because she didn't deserve it."

Gabriel dropped him and turned To Leah who was eyeing Vanz to make sure that she didn't try to jump Noctis.

"Guys, let's go into the living room." She said.

Vanz and Gabriel followed Leah and sat down on the couch. Noctis slid down the wall and put his arms around his knees. He made a gun with his fingers and put it to his head, pretending to pull the trigger.

Maybe that is a better alternative. He thought.

He got up and walked into the living room, which got quiet. He walked stiffly up to his room and shut the door. Quickly rummaging through his drawers and under the bed but he couldn't find his knife anywhere.

Noctis walked back down stairs and to his surprise it was empty save for the gentle flick and click that came from the couch every once in a while.

"Leah, where's my knife."

"Oh, you mean this one?" she held it up over the back of the couch for him to see, "Its a beautiful knife, especially since I've cleaned all the blood off of it."

"Give it back." He said.

"Why? So you can go back to your little hobby? Yeah, I don't think so."

She sat up and glared at him.

"Look, just give it back."

"NO! No one else is going to die because I have failed to notice that they need help!" she said.

She slammed the blade of the knife tip first into the coffee table, leaving it sticking strait up.

"You don't have to notice it! I don't need you looking out for me! My life should be my choice!"

Tears slipped down her face, "I knew it. You were thinking about suicide." She threw the knife at him after closing it, "You know what? If you've really forgotten that I need you then I guess I can see you in Hell! I'll be wearing your favorite t-shirt with scars to match."

She lay back down on the couch and let tears silently pour from her eyes.

"It doesn't matter anymore. I'm done feeling." She mumbled.

Somehow or another she always found a way to grab his heart and twist it in knots after they fought, but this time, he could physically feel the pain in his chest. He dropped the knife and let it fall to the floor with a small clatter just before Vanz busted through the kitchen door with a large carving knife in her hand, "bitch, take one more step and you won' have to worry 'bout taking your own life 'cause I'll do it for you!"

Noctis simply dropped to his knees and ran his hands through his hair. "Please do. Right now Hell seems pretty nice."

"How can one person be such a fucking idiot? You could try and apologize for all of the shit you did instead of killing yourself. I'm not gonna kill you unless you hurt my best friend again, got it?"


I'm soooo tired! I won't be posting again until next Sunday Bc of grades so I'm grounded :/ hope this satisfies until then!

Yeah I know a lot of suicide references but I needed a really fucked up character._.

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