Chapter 3

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*two weeks later*

Bella spent her twenty minutes on the car ride home crying her eyes out. She didn't have a specific reason as to why. She just felt like she needed space from the world. She felt like everyone was choking her and she didn't get enough air before. She was losing oxygen between her sobs.

Ever since she left Zach's house, she had guilt and regret building up in her. Guilty for making him feel so bad and regret for not telling him just one thing. Ever since the day the boys have came to the studio, Mike had become harsh on Bella for every little thing. She could stand next to a poster with a famous male on it and he'd rip her heart into shreds. He'd forced her to be his girlfriend once again.

She didn't want to tell anyone because Mike had been a good worker for that company for years. The fact that he's only ten years older than her killed the way she thought about it. She thought since he was older that he'd just say she came onto him and that'll lead charges towards her for being a 'whiney teen'.

She parked her car in her driveway and quickly walked into her house seeing Lucas sitting on the couch with a box next to him. She forgot that her mascara and eyeliner would've been running, she didn't expect anyone to be home since James' new work schedule was little different than hers.

Lucas got up to greet his boyfriends best friend and noticed the black stained streaks running down her face. He didn't know what to do but to hug her like any protective male would do to his lady. This was the first time someone spotted Bella on edge in years, months, weeks, days, and even hours.

"What happened"
He asked concerned.

She replied with the same answer.

Lucas took a good look at her and noticed the way she looked skinnier and paler.

"That's not true mijah"

"It is true"
She said pushing past Lucas and going into her room.

She took off her work clothes and replaced them with some comfy ones. She went into the bathroom and stared at her reflection. She noticed the way her eyes are darker with sadness around them. Her eyes were crying for help but no one could help her. She turned on the water while taking Tylenol out of the bathroom cabinet because of her headache. She took some pills and went back into her room and laid down, she fell into a deep sleep.


Bella was woken up by the bed sinking down next to her. She quickly jumped up, scared if it was Mike. Instead it was just Zach Herron. He showed concern on his face as he reached for her arm lightly and pulled her close to him.

"I'm here now"
He whispered.

He looked down at her arms and traced the old scars that consumed her skin from when they were sixteen.

"I'm proud of you, you know?"
Zach said


"Look at how far you came since that day"
He said talking about the last time Bella tried to end her life.

Zach just continued to rub her arm. He watched as it calmed her down. Something caught Zach's eye, it was the darkened bruises that consumed her wrist. He sighed and frowned.

"Who did this?"
He asked motioning towards the bruises.

She whispered as she started to drift off to sleep.

She jumped up suddenly to sound of a more than one voice in the living room. She put on a sweater and slowly walked out with Zach behind her. She saw four boys sitting on her couch.

She turned around and looked at Zach, confused.

"They wanted to come over and I told them to stay in there"
Zach said scratching the back of his neck.

Bella nodded and went into the kitchen, making food for the five guys that sat in her living room. Once she entered the living room once again, two more people were there. James was talking to the boys as Lucas awkwardly stood there.

"Hey Im zach, what's your name?"
He said holding his hand out.

"I'm Lucas"
He said shaking Zach's hand

"He's my boyfriend"
James announced to the five boys while grabbing Lucas' hand.

All the boys hugged him and showed love for him. Bella smiled as she held a coffee cup in my hand.

Chasing Rainbows // Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now