Chapter 19

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That past night, Chloe was dancing on every person in the club. Boys, girls, and even Brad. As the night progressed, she received a message from Bella, telling her that she was leaving. Chloe felt betrayed, but why would she? She's the one that forced Bella to come to the club and just left her there by herself. Chloe sighed in anger and set down her phone harshly on the table.

"Woah, there. Calm down" she heard a man chuckle standing before her. She looked up and in a matter of seconds melted into his stare. "Who are you?" She gawked into her question. "My names Brad" the man said sticking out his hand for Chloe to shake. She gladly excepted it and shook his hand with such force. "Do I know you?" She said smiling with pearly whites. "No, you don't. But I sure do know your boyfriend and his friends. Oh and the girl that came with you tonight, Bella?" He said. "Are you stalking me?" She said once again meeting his eyes.

"Oh god. Of corse not, I would never. I grew up with Zach Herron and Isabella Lopez." Brad said happily as he bent down and kissed Chloe's hand. "Bella and I actually dated. For a really long time, may I add. She's very... great" he said rubbing his chin. Chloe didn't know what it was about this guy, but it made her shiver. Chloe shrugged her shoulders, not really caring what Brad had to say. "What if I told you, Bella and I still see each other?" At that very moment, Chloe's eyes grew wider making her feel sick. "She has a boyfriend." She said coldly and began to walk away. "But dear?" He said yanking her backwards. Chloe had never felt this much force come from a guy. She felt scared and knew that the second she leaves, she'd call Jonah and tell him about the crazy guy at the club.

"Don't touch me" Chloe said, yanking her arm back. "Just dance with me, I'll answer any questions about the girl. I promise" he said holding up his right hand. Chloe took a minuit to think before nodding her head.


That same night, Bella woke up on Christina's couch. She rubbed her head from the headache she had and picked up her phone, blinding herself with the brightness. Many missed calls and texts from Zach were the only notifications she had. She quickly opened the texts to see many worried texts. Ones that would say he was going to kill Brad and others asking if she was okay.

Bella stood up, losing some balance, she quietly opened the door and locked it from the inside. She picked up her alcohol bottles and walked back to Zach's house. She abruptly opened the door, noticing that Chloe still wasn't back. She walked up the stairs and prompt herself on Zach's bed. Bella started to cry once again, she opened one bottle and began to chug it. She didn't care about hurting her liver anymore.

After two hours, she was halfway done with the third bottle and yet, no sign of Chloe. She began to grow anxious and called James asking him to come pick her up, that she'd made terrible decisions. Bella made James drive to the club Chloe was at and find her.

While James went into the club, he noticed the blonde girl grinding on someone who looked too familiar to him. "Chloe, come on. I'm here to take you home" James said before pulling the girl off of the buff guy. "No, let me stay." Chloe said whining. "No," James began to say but felt the cold hands of the other guy. James looked up in shock. "Long time no see, good friend" Brad said before slapping James back. James stood there in shock, the only thought going through his was of getting Bella away, driving far away as possible.

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