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It's been about a week since the last log... And things aren't the best. Food, ammo, gear, all of those are fine... But Sparrow.. It's like she's out of it. We don't talk.. We leave on our own and do our own stuff... Well, that's what we've been doing...

I walk into Sparrow's room, us both in our casual clothes. "Hey.. I thought we, should talk.. Are you okay? We've both been doing our own thing, and I think we're out of synch. " I sit at the end of the bed. When she sits up I notice all she seems to be wearing is a large T-shirt.

She sighs a bit "Look dude.. Imma be honest with you. You already rejected me. So it's kind of hard working with the guy you like, that thinks your first kiss is a breach of employee code. I want you. As a partner.. Not just a battle buddy. So, as a girl trying to get over rejection, with no ice cream in this city... Imma need some time unless you have feelings for me too. "

I look down at my feet. "Look.. It's not like I'm not attracted to you or anything... You're a beautiful girl, but we need to be able to focus on the mission. We have a job.. We can't be side tracked we have a duty to the people of this city that we will take back what is theirs. I just think that's more important right now." I say, tired.

Sparrow grins and slowly takes off my jacket, throwing it on the floor. She wraps her arms and legs around me and holds me lovingly, whispering in my ear. "You must be tired from always saving people right?... C'mon.. Let me help you relax.. Besides, every job has some days off..." She runs her hands up my shirt and down the bare skin of my body

Half of my brain wants this to keep going the way it is, the other half thinks it's a bad idea. "Listen Sparrow... L-let's not rush this.. " I begin to lose my mind as she kisses my neck. I just can't understand how she could be focused on me, when there are people outside who need her more. "Let's start w-with names.. Archer.. My name's Archer!" I try to stay sane, but I'm beginning to think about her too.

She giggles a bit. "Slow and steady wins the race.... But a little head start never hurt... My name is Sylvia. Silvia Belle... Now Archer... Now that we have names in place.. How about that head start?" She shifts her entire body, throwing me onto the bed fully. This girl has taken wrestling before... She gets on top of me and kisses me. I don't pull away this time, but I don't fully accept it. "Ugh.. What do I have to do to release some sexual tension! Fuck man, don't guys love sex?! And it's not like you aren't pent up too! It's not like you have sex either in this city! In fact, I've never had sex and kinda want it to be special! So can you not ruin this for me?!" She sits at my crotch and pouts

I give a large sigh, knowing I'll regret this. "Alright... Okay.. I'll give all this 100% if you promise to stay dedicated to the mission..." I take my shirt off and throw it to the floor and, throw my watch on her night stand.

"Now we're seeing eye to eye.... Now sit back and relax... This little birdie will take care of everything..." She takes off her large shirt, revealing only a bra and panties.

I'll skip over the details of how that night went and go straight to the morning. But man, that was one kick ass night for the both of us.. Especially since there's no time to even masterbate when you're busy saving a city.

I wake up to the ringing of my watch. Sparrow-... Er.. Sylvia was cuddled up to me. I pick up my watch and answer it. Before I even realized, I accepted a video call with the head Division agent on the mission. "Agent 174 good to see you're alive an- FOR CHRIST SAKE ARE YOU INSANE? WAKE AGENT 168 UP AND HEAD TO THE BASE OF OPERATIONS FOR BRIEFING YOU FILTHY FILTHY HORNY MEAT SACS!" That was Agent Fey Lau.. And all her screaming woke up the one person who isn't one for mornings. Sylvia socks me in the gut and kisses me.

"The commander isn't gonna be happy about us.. Now gear up. I want us in the B.O.O. in fifteen." I say. We both get up and put fresh clothes on, put on our gear, jackets, and backpacks, and head outside.

"You know... Last night was-" she cuts herself off and grabs a hold of my hand. I quickly brush her hand off "hey!-"

"What are you, four? If you wanna cuddle and hold hands, let's save it for the house. We're soldiers. Get your head in the game." I say strictly.

"Aye aye... Sorry.." She pouts a bit but is still springy and almost hovering over the ground with pure happiness. We get to the B.O.O. and head to the briefing room. Fey Lau sits us down and prepares her long ass briefing.

"I can't believe I picked you two... You guys were supposed to be professional about work... But apparently you two can't separate work from personal desire... Well listen up you worthless sacks of dog shit! I sent in two agents to help recapture the head of security in hopes of regrowing the JTF's troops! Unfortunately they failed and he's dead! But our agents aren't... Go to their last known location, find them, and bring them home! And so help me God, if I catch you two EVER fucking on the clock again, I'll kill you myself! Now here's the info on all the factions in the city so far, and the last known location of our agents. I'm counting on you two. So go get them. Dismissed!"

And with that we were on the streets of Manhattan again. Out in search of two missing agents. Sylvia looked good. I never noticed her long hair before. She really was beautiful. But I had to focus on our new mission.... Find our missing agents and bring them home. Sylvia walks ahead of me and looks back at me "C'mon Tiger. Let's bring em home."

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